SaMuraI PosEd
huhuhuh...ola guys...last few days, should be on Monday..I went to my cousin's house cos' we need to capture all the videos (From videocam to desktop lah bah...gambar urang kahwin bah...projek duit maaahhh) to the computer...If I'm not mistaken it was around 7.30pm..So, I start capture and off cause it took few hours to capture all that stuffs...huh...(Sudahlah panat dari kerja..tapi apa bulih buat kan...hahahaha...)..While waiting the capturing process to finish, I saw my cousin was cleaned up his drawer...huhuh..------>part paling best nie..cos, bulih minta baju yang dia nda muat udah...kakakakakaka....So, I went near him a try to look into his drawer...wahhh....So many things I saw inside it....Golden rings, golden Necklace, CMOS Battery (Paling lucu...dia bili sampai mo 1 dozen....hahahaha)..While I enjoying my eyes to look all the crappy stuffs, I then interested to look this thing...It is a SAMURAI SWORD...wahhhh...I even don't know that he have it..cos..he is not like me (Long time ago la...masa muda2 panas baran....ada juga buat satu samurai..and still simpan sampai sekarang..) ...Last time, when we're still young..with bad tempered..each of us, I mean among my cousins, it was like a must that each of us must have one SAMURAI sword for safety purpose...(Off cause la..memang ada yang salah guna...hahaha...sepa tu arhhh kalo dia baca ini entry...wakaakakak)..So, please see my pictures above while holding that samurai...hahaha..sorry for that blurry pics...(pakai hp murah bai tu...) funny when I look that pictures...muahahaha...Wearing judo pants while holding the samurai...but the shirt really spoiled it...muekekekek...BUGS BUNNY bah gambar dia...wakakakakaak
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