Put the mixed chicken and vegetables in the Microwave...For chicken that weighing more than 200 grams, we need to cook it about 30 to 35 minutes...
Refrigerator and microwave in our hostel
P/s : Kakak, sorry sia makan 3/4 itu ayam....sadap kan..so, terlebih sukatan wakakakakaak..patut half2 tu kan..muekeke
Last week, our HQ called me and create me a task where I need to send our company's cleaner to our hostel to clean-up the hostel...So, I accept the task since that day my work not really heavy la....Actually, FYI..our cleaner need to take few hours to finish her job in our hostel..edeiiiii.------>men lama kan...kadang2 sampai tertidur sia di bawah aircond menunggu tu kakak...What to do cos' I'll already accept the task...lagipun minyak buli claim...hahahahaha...Ok, back to hostel's things...Normally I also helped our cleaner to do few things..such as washing the blankets using washing machine....*Nasib bukan pakai tangan...this machine is automatic washing machine, so I just put the blankets and press "Start"...haha..easy kan...kan..kan...After I put all the blankets inside the washing machine, I then went to the kitchen and look if got something to eat in the kitchen...wakakakakak...sadiss owhhh kan....dulu ada maggie dorang simpan..bulih lah makan satu cup jak...kahkahkhakha...I checked inside the refrigerator, wow...got chicken's drumstick and few vegetable...harrr...har...har...I decided to cook while waiting our cleaner to finish her job...huhuhuh...So, the pictures above clarify everything...ehhh..bukan semua lah..tapi at least korang ada gambaran bah kan...muakakakakaka...
P/s : Kakak, sorry sia makan 3/4 itu ayam....sadap kan..so, terlebih sukatan wakakakakaak..patut half2 tu kan..muekeke
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