Muahahaha...this is the climax post for our journey to Tambunan....hehehe..actually there were hundreds of pictures but here in my blog I just publish a few of it...So, for the rest of it, do request from us (O2C Member)....hahaha...Okey, let me start from the intro...After we visits the "Tugu Mat Salleh", we then move to Tambunan town to have our lunch cos at Mahua Waterfall, we didn't took any food yet...We went to a small shop, near the 4D STC...haha...**Sepa tu arhhh sampat lagi pi bili numbur....Sa pun ada bah...sikit2 Mesh yang duluan, kami ikut lah hahahaah....
After we finished the lunch session, we then went to the "vegie" market to buy some vegetables and "things" that related for our dinner tonight...hahaha..I just wait for the others doing their "vegie shopping"...After that, we had our photo shoot somewhere near the Tips Karaoke Lounge...hahaha...**Kamurang tinguk lai tu gambar big family tu krekrekrker....
As early as 3.oopm, Mamai (bukan nama sebenar...hahaha), arranged us a "Tajau" session...naahhh....matai naahh.....Huh...we "Biris" that "Tajau" slowly while some of us doing photography, playing poker and some of them dancing.....hahaha...The times flew seconds by seconds, minutes by minutes and hours by hours...
The dinner session was delicious and for sure everyone refill their "Tank" as full as they can...hahaha..nyaammm...nyammm.nyaammm...
After that, we continued again our so called "Meginum" session...This time, the environtment was not the same..A bit different as everyone were intoxicated and sober already....**Sa sija tidak...muhahahaha....Then, the environment became more enjoying and fun...after the "Jim Beam" served...Owh ya, we do have few games on that night...We called it "Tang Tang Tang", "Terung" and "Ntah apaitu nama dia yang pigang2 warna tu hahahaha".....Everybody seemed enjoying themselves...
Late at night and near to early morning (Subuh bah....), we had our photography session where we were the model aswell...ermmm....You all can see the pictures above...I wasn't in the photo cos I already ZZZzzzzzZZZzzzz....wakakaka....So, let it be lah...From what I've been told the next morning, everyone ended the fun moments at about 3.00am...naahhh kau...12 jam....
Next morning, some of us went to the nearest river to take bath...But, I think they're trying to "Kasih hilang kogutan"...naahhh kompom kan....hehe...So last but not least, we had our lunch first before we pack our stuffs and check out from Tambunan Village Resort Centre a.K.a TVRC....Well, there you go..A very enjoying weekend that O2C member had..~~PeaCe and Tang Tang Tang....hehe
After we finished the lunch session, we then went to the "vegie" market to buy some vegetables and "things" that related for our dinner tonight...hahaha..I just wait for the others doing their "vegie shopping"...After that, we had our photo shoot somewhere near the Tips Karaoke Lounge...hahaha...**Kamurang tinguk lai tu gambar big family tu krekrekrker....
As early as 3.oopm, Mamai (bukan nama sebenar...hahaha), arranged us a "Tajau" session...naahhh....matai naahh.....Huh...we "Biris" that "Tajau" slowly while some of us doing photography, playing poker and some of them dancing.....hahaha...The times flew seconds by seconds, minutes by minutes and hours by hours...
The dinner session was delicious and for sure everyone refill their "Tank" as full as they can...hahaha..nyaammm...nyammm.nyaammm...
After that, we continued again our so called "Meginum" session...This time, the environtment was not the same..A bit different as everyone were intoxicated and sober already....**Sa sija tidak...muhahahaha....Then, the environment became more enjoying and fun...after the "Jim Beam" served...Owh ya, we do have few games on that night...We called it "Tang Tang Tang", "Terung" and "Ntah apaitu nama dia yang pigang2 warna tu hahahaha".....Everybody seemed enjoying themselves...
Late at night and near to early morning (Subuh bah....), we had our photography session where we were the model aswell...ermmm....You all can see the pictures above...I wasn't in the photo cos I already ZZZzzzzzZZZzzzz....wakakaka....So, let it be lah...From what I've been told the next morning, everyone ended the fun moments at about 3.00am...naahhh kau...12 jam....
Next morning, some of us went to the nearest river to take bath...But, I think they're trying to "Kasih hilang kogutan"...naahhh kompom kan....hehe...So last but not least, we had our lunch first before we pack our stuffs and check out from Tambunan Village Resort Centre a.K.a TVRC....Well, there you go..A very enjoying weekend that O2C member had..~~PeaCe and Tang Tang Tang....hehe
SoMe Of The PhRaSes/WorDs On That Night
"1,2 Cha Cha Cha"
"Nah Sia pandai sudah"
Kamurang tidak pandai manari owhh"
"Ok, we do it like this...."
"Sepa lagi punya turn tu"...
"Nah kau "chung"...ko pai ulung"...
"Men buyuk owh...mana ada kau minum..."
"Sadap owh tu sayapkan kalo campur madu..."
"Kanapa hangus nie..."
"Cuba ko try nie sup...apa yang kurang..."
"Ginikah yang kau bilang itu sambal tu.."
"Ko kawan sa bah, jadi ko lagi minumlah...minum sikit ja pun nda apa..."
"uiiiiii...kita bulih buat video clip sudah nie..."
"kalo ko mau nyanyi ini..ko guna head, chest or stomach voice..."
"Kanapa kau tidur....kau yang paksa minum kau pula yang tidur..."
Best wording/phrases tu malam is.."SA MAU PULANG...SA TIDAK MAU JADI URANG GILA SINI...."....hahahaha....
wkakaa boby...nice post tp tu gmbar modeling sy foul boxer ko jg la mahal banget :P
lumis----->thanks....boxer jugalah kan bikin manang...nasib nda terkeluar itu "yang itu"....wakakakakaka
wakakakaaaa tkluar pun ok jga ..suma org faham, tp ko ingatkah tu mlm..ko tido sdh tp kuat bunyi tapak kaki org sana sini? wkakaka
ingat bah...tulah sa ambil masa mau tidur tu hahaahahhaa
hehehe...pakai boxer tu...seksi eh...
budakhutan------>ada berani kah buat cam bobby hahahahaha....bobby kaki feeling...hantam jak pakai boxer khalayak ramai muahahahaha