This morning, I woke up around 5:40 a..m early in the morning...Wahhh....so surprised...kekhekhekehhe..I took my bath just after I woke up....Never scared the cold water cos we have water heater system...hahaha...After took my bath, I took my breakfast which is my extra Pizza Hut's pizza slices..Actually, I can't finish it last night when I went to City Mall Pizza Hut for dinner, so, I bring it back home and eat it as for my breakfast this morning......Then, time to go for work...hahaha...The shirt and trouser are as pictures above....Not much I want to say here today..a bit busy nowadays but as long as I update my blog, I think it should be ok already...Bye for Now and will update again soon..~~PeaCe from Bobby
Woii, one of my perfume is Versace too.. Wangi kan :)
gurangak--->PALINGGGGGGGGG sa MALAS kalo urang ikut2 nie beli parfume Versace...ko arhhhh dush dush dush hahahahahahaha larikkkkkkkkkkk
Haha... Hot and Delivery lagi Pizza Hut ko Bobby.. inda bangas kah?
aik silaka. sa pun pakai juga ni versace. satu biji sama lagi tu dia punya butul. hehehe. tapak