SamuEL anD WoLLy WeDDinG Day

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It's so funny...Thanks to my colleague for sending me these photos...hahaha....Now I can confirm all of you that animal really doesn't have brain...hahaha....*berabisan sa katawa nie nampak nie gambar....Some more, I thought that this animal really a desperate one..miahahahaha....So, I hope all of you enjoy the pictures...hehehe..~~peaCe
Gidong and his brother, Mr. Smith

Nikon D90 is at the first place...hehehe...*nda mau lapas bah

Waiting for the doctor...

Hope he (Gidong) will remember this place hehehe

Last few days, I went to Q.E.H, Kota Kinabalu to visit a friend of mine who admitted there due to High blood pressure...Ermmm...Well, friend is still a friend for me..Thanks god that there was nothing happen to him...(God still loves you friend..You should be thankful then...hehehe)...It was kinda shocked for me when I received his sms early in the morning...around 2:30 am....ermmm...*tulah...ko misti jaga kesihatan maahh....From this incident, now I realize that how important to keep your body healthy...Sometimes this kind of incident really freaked me out...Duhhh....*syukurlah...I'm still in good condition....So, to those out there...please keep your body healthy...Most important is try to do some exercise twice or thrice a week...For example jogging, doing sports and to name a few...To Gidong, I know you already at home...hehe..So, please take care yourself bro....~~PeaCe..
WaaahHaa...Received this picture from my funny when I look at it...A very creative thinking....So, for those who want to install a ceiling fan, do not forget to try this method...hahahahaha...ChioW...~~PeaCe
Hehehe...(*we just wait for the final announcement ja lah kan...hehee)


Well, sorry and really sorry cos for being late to post any topics inside my blog...*Sibuk bah hehehe...paham2 lah kan...This post is a bit interesting and kinda fun....It's all about Sabah's Facebook Awards 2009...Friends of mine, Mr. Junior and Mr. Ramesh are the "backbone" of this event..Congrats to them....*ChaYooo...ChayOoo...As for me, I've been nominated for the finalist of Sweetest Guys, FB Awards Party 2009....ahahaha..Kinda funny and fun right....For those who nominate and vote my name, here I would like to say thank you very much....About my competitor, Mr. Clarence..He is also one of my closed friend..hahaha...congrats to you also buddy...hehehe....*bah...abislah kita nie...badiri di atas pentas hahahaha....Last but not least, see you all there at D'Junction on August 2009 for the Sabah's Facebook Awards Party 2009....~~~PeaCe

Husband and wife...

Ayuki's brother in law...hehe

Congrats to both of you

The paparazis...

Some of the friends...
From left :- Carrey, Mark, Danny and Georgia

Back view...

One of the singer, Mr. Daryl

Bunch of friends...

Puma Jamal hehehe...

Daling Tompok and Shane...

Liz and Daryl....

Forgot already their name..hahaha

"Man of the match"...Mr.Joe

The Dance Floor....


Gloria and her friend...hehe...

Photos taken during Ayuki's wedding reception at Tun Fuad Hall, Donggongon, Penampang..It was last week on Saturday...I reached at the hall at about 2:30pm with Tompok...Owh yaa...I want to appalogize to my dear friend, Mr.Mahapson cos made him waiting for us almost 40 minutes...hehehe..sorry ya bro....heheh...Just after we reached at the front/entrance door, we had been asked to drink the "Linutau a.K.a Tinogoi"...haha...(kana dua itu galas bambu lagi...aduiii....hehehe)...About the food, I think I kinda like it...quiet good...thumbs up....I met lots of my friends during the wedding ceremony..some of them are Gogds, Mesh, Jr, Liz, Dengkos, Naseer Lee (Baru tajumpa nie urang...kehkhekhe)..and many more...Last but not least, I would like to congrat Ayuki and her husband for their marriage and thank you for inviting me to attend the wedding reception...May god bless both of you...~~PeaCe