Morning everyone..yesterday I just post about my goal settings for the year of 2008 and today is all about my 2008's budget..This is so important as I'm concerned about my financial and my future plan. This coming 2008, I plan for few arrangements on my financial and expenses. Below are the details.
Salary permonth = Rm ???? (This is confidential guys..heheh...)
Car Loan (Ambank/Kancil)=RM372(Fixed amount)
Petrol=RM50 per week= RM50 X 4 week=RM200
Breakfast (Everyday)=RM2 X 26 days=RM52
Car Parking Fee (Monthly/Fixed)=RM32
Piano Class (Monthly/Fixed)=RM50
Misc (Prepaid reload, personal items)=RM300
Grand Total = RM1006.00
So means, every month I need to spent RM1006.00 and I should be take attention on this..As for lunch, normally my mom made it for me (kalo dusun bilang kokoriyuuu...hahaha..bakalan lah bah urang bilang..ahaksss)....Well, thats are my 2008's budget..So the balances should be enough to settle down my 2008's goal settings....hehehe..
aikk buss ko nda kira ni: tajau rm20, main judi rm10,rukut2 pusas rm30..bla..bla...
he..saja2 mo kasi meriah
yo tanakwagu....hahahaha...itu balakang kira tu....hahahha