Last week, I forgot already what was the real date and time, but for sure it was a working day for me. Pictures above shocked me at that time. Ok, let us start the story like this. Normally when I reached to my office, firstly, I need to scan in my Employee Card at downstairs. Then will have my breakfast with my colleagues and also a cup of tea made by our "Kakak Cleaner"...After that will have a chat among us then I will go to my office at upstairs. Actually my office located at fourth floor. So, on the way to my office, at 3rd floor (My company meeting room), I saw a person slept there. Huh...what the hell..A bit scared that time, but what to do I need to go to my office rite?..Then, I walked slowly..(Takut2 kana pigang kaki terus kana rompak..ala yang masiam di TV tu..hahahahah) ...So, I managed to pass that person...huhuhu..(Feel good...*Sigh)..I also snapped that person picture from my office floor..Owh..I just remembered that I also saw that person used women's sandal (White in colour mahhh...kelas gitu..haha)....After I took the picture, I sent it via mms to my other colleague and ask them to tell that person to move from there. Few minutes later, "Kakak Cleaner" and Lincoln (My colleague from Operation Department) went there to tell that woman.About 10 minutes later, Lincoln intercom me from downstairs and said "Doiiiiii...ko bah...bukan perempuan tu...PUNDAN....".....I'm shocked...then laughed loudly...hahahahaha....(Nasib sia owh kan...eeee...bikin takut...)
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