Varieties of Buns
I went to Giant Supermarket with our manager last few days...Actually, she invite me to have lunch with her..Ermm....*kira dia mau balanja la bai tu kihkihkihkihkih...So, here we go...After took our lunch at the food court, we then went to the bakery shop to buy some buns for the other staffs....Inside the bakery shop, there were too many buns to choose...* sampai sa rambang mata....nda tau mau pilih mana satu hahahaha..One more thing that you all should know is, the prices also very cheap....hahaha...So, can buy many of it lah kan...heheh..If you don't believe me....please refer to my pictures...wakakkakakak....
sadapnya tu kuih!!! yummy yummy
sadapnya tu kuih!!! yummy yummy
mimang sadap tu archie.....hahahahaha....