My cousin, Ms. Rounnah Beb Robert who won the Miss Gala Nite at Putera BallRoom recently
This is my cousin..Mr. Jay Jay...*sa panggil dia ostrich..sabab tinggi dia yang sangat kritikal..hahaha
This is my beloved grandma...I love u "Mama Tua"...hehe
Took these pictures just now after playing football somewhere in my place...My mom called me and asked me to fetch her at her friend's house...It tooks about 7 minutes to reach there by car...On the way back home, I asked my mum whether she want to stop by at my grandma's house...Actually, their house is just is not far from my house and use the same road to get there...After we reached there..I saw few of my relatives were there also...huhuhu...great...One of my uncle just came back from Kluang, Johor...He just transferred back here in KK....But working in different field...Last time he was the Head of Admin in Jabatan Penjara Kepayan Sabah...Then he got transferred to Kluang Johor for better position....Again and again...he got transferred to KK again but incharging for parole Divisyen.....Another my aunt...also working at Jabatan Penjara Kepayan...she often come here to meet us but today, I don't know why she came there....*siok jugalah gelak2 ketawa...hahaha....abis ramaikan.....So, the rest you all can see it from those pictures above...
gambar mummy ko ko nda amik la budak2 skg..slalu lupa mama sendiri...ish ish..Happy Mother's Day bilang sama mummy la la la la
xigorx----->doiiii....dia sibuk di dapur bah time sa pi ambil gambar2 yang the way....nanti mother's day lah sa ambil gambar dia....lalalallalal...abis sa tau ada urang pi diving tu......nda tau nda tau arhhhhhh wakakakakakak