<< MongKusiLad RiveR, MoyOg, PenamPanG >>

huhuu...*nda fotogenik butul kan...ahhaha


A very enjoying moments...

* We posed for Borneo Post's Photographer...that's what Arteo told us...hahaha..
(* yesss...I'm fat...so what...wakakaka)

*Mesh..what happened to you...hehehe...

Little Mermaid kunun nie....kahkahkahakh..(*padahal Sea Lion ee..kan kan...wkaakaka)

Hello again hehehe...sorry cos being late to publish this photos during our trip to Mongkusilad River at Moyog, Penampang...Maybe you already saw some of the photos at Mesh, Gidong, Jr or Arteo's blog...well, (*sa pun mau jugalah post ahahahaha...)...Nothing I need to elaborate here..These photos clarify everything hahahaha...enjoy then...~~Peace..