's me....I came out with this
Mamai, me and Mike (Gidong's younger brother)
This is me...I won the Best Male O2C Halloween Party 2008 (Not sure about costume or best male...itu piala sakap best male...hantam jaklah...nda kisah pun hahahaha)..
Mamai, me and Mike (Gidong's younger brother)
This is me...I won the Best Male O2C Halloween Party 2008 (Not sure about costume or best male...itu piala sakap best male...hantam jaklah...nda kisah pun hahahaha)..
Dracula sing a song, Zombie a.K.a Tini ChunLi and Bobby the Pocong2...hahaha
Whooohooo...It was a superb night where O2C family had a great time...It was a small party but I think it was good enough...Even though the food/dinner not enough for everyone, but, I still enjoyed myself and same goes to the others....At first, I decided to appear as a "Dead Contractor Man" but due to some unsuitable costume, I came out with this "Pocong Costume"....hahaha..well, I think it works that night....Well, I only spent around RM20 (Fake blood liquid) for that appearance cos the costume I made it myself by using additonal white metred clothes...I bought the "Fake Blood" liquid from Party Shop at Wisma Karamunsing Mall..Owh..ya, it was a hard competition where everyone came with their own idea and full of creativity...So, do enjoy some of the pictures on that night...more pictures will be publish soon....~~PeaCe anD YihAAaaa
Credits goes to Mesh, Esther and PS for the pictures...thanks ya...
Credits goes to Mesh, Esther and PS for the pictures...thanks ya...
bobby..klu ko suda siap mikap..pakai mcm tu berdiri d bustop..teda org brani berhenti d sana tu..wakakakakaaa
Bobi ko nda pakai mcm tu pun memang sudah nampak mcm hantu huahahahaha
Bobby...macam familiar tu dua gambar tau...hehehe
tigerlily---->hahaha..siou siou lupa sa kasih credit sama kau hehehe
gidong---->excuse me.....kau pun sama ja bah...sama jak kita pun cam hantu hahahaha
nel------>hahahaha...yabah kan..lagi2 kalo sa badiri sono dakat kuburan2
cindy---->thanks for dropping by
daling..."sy ingin berterima kasih kepada kedua ibu-bapa ....." pastu kena halau ahhahahahhaa......sian daling mo berucap pun tidak kena bagi peluang ahhaha
tompok--->ya bah kan daling hahahaha....urang mau berterima kasih pun nda kana kasih chan....hehehehe
ni lah first time sia nampak pocong macakan ayam guring... wakakakaka...
markiekadus----------->ini yang moden sudah bai nie markie.... ahahahaha
you deserved the award la bobby..saya sungguh takut melihatnya..adada
bobby, santikkk ko punya costume....tu baru la hantu.....kekeke
mell f----->only won the best male...not the overall hehehehe...asalkan ada bah kan hehehe
lisa----->heehehehe....buatan tangan sendiri itu costume tu lisa hehehehe
wah bobby.... kalau aku jumpa ko di bus stop sure aku larikk..... menjadi sehh...
kematz----->hahahaha...takut ekk...jgn takutlah....hehehehe....
Macam pontianak harum sundal malam bogia..hehehe....takut sia..hehee.. :)
Paladius----->duiii....panakut pula nie sikawan....hehehehe
wah.. hebat... kalau c bobby bediri sana bus stop.. memang betempiaran orang lari owh...
kaitor----->yakah hahahaha....kompom org lari kan hehehehe