<< I'M LovIn' iT...ParappPapaaapaaa..>>

Hehehe..this "Bosou" is so damn good....

Huhuhuhu...saw it or not??

It's good if there are some chili's inside it....

Nyammm...nyam...These two are mine...no share!!!

Whoohooo..."Bosou" or commonly called "Pekasam" by the Malay people is one of the Sabahan traditional Food..I mean fermented food...hahaha....The taste is a bit sour and will be a bit spicy if there got chili inside it..Normally "Bosou" are made from Cooked Rice, Fresh Fish (Biasanya ikan "Turongou" lah....), Little Salt and for the additional ingredients, they put some chilis (Hot chili), "Umbut Pisang", "Tuhau" and white chili...For the main ingredient, we also can use some fresh meat (*Korang paham2 lah itu "meat" apa kan hahahaha....)...It depends on the person who made it actually...Owh ya...I still remember when I was still young where my dad always make this food for our family..Well, you know when it turns to years back...*Hidup susah maahh..so, this is the only food which can save lots of ringgit...Being a "Tambunian" from Sunsuron area, my dad really have the talent to make this "Bosou"...Very delicious you know...hahaha..Promoting kai nie hahaha...But, really I tell you, it's really nice...One thing I need to advice to those who want to try it for the first time, please and please..do try it when you really ready yourself...hahaha..You need to take your own risk...If you can stand the smell of "Budu" or "Cencaluk", you can go for it then...Owh ya, I believed that some of you out there sometimes missed a lot this thing..don't worry, I have contacts who can provide this "Bosou"...*Macam business kan...?? hahaha..Do contact me then for reservation...muahahhaa.

11 Person has expressed his thoughts, Now you turn guys!

  1. daling bikin nokobis sy tgk...time mlm2 lagi ni..time mo start lapar lagi ni,...jhhuhuhu...taapun kio

  2. adei.. sedap ka tu bosou.. never eat it owh.. sometimes kalau org makan d rumah.. sy x blh tahan smell tu bosou...

  3. tompok-susan---->daling, bah apa lgi...mau tempah kah? muahehehehehe

    Kaitor----->hahaha..yakah...tulah ko...jadilah bah truly sabahan muehehehe

  4. Woii gumuk bagi sa bosou sa bilang pun tu iskkkk

  5. haha nasip sia sudha momom.. tapi keluar juga saliva sia nampak tu bosou.

    Bosou kulit sapi ko pernah try ging? itu pon soodaaappppppppp. kami panggil tu bosou 'kungkung' hehe


  6. Gidong---->ko minta sambal ulam saja kan??? lupa sudah kah???? huh!!!

    Dusun Aroma---->hahahaha...ko tia nokobihis kah tompinai hehehe...bosou kulit nda pernah owh sa makan...nda macam baladar lori kai tu rasa dia hahahaha

  7. uitssssssss haha boby! barpa 1..sy mau!

  8. Lumis--->RM4.00 seja.....tiada untung juga sa ambil dari kau hahahaha...sa tulung kawan2 sija nie muahahahah

  9. hehe ba sy mau order 2...jd rm8 la kan...ommm God Bless U for nda ambi untung haha

  10. kobihisssssssssssssss sa tgk ni bosou oh. wkakakakak..
    x pass o anak dusun tia pandai makan bosou.

    sa sturang saja adik beradik dlm family yg 'sambung' makan bosou ni.

    tapi baru2 sa gumbira juga nampak adik bungsu sa pandai makan bambangan. ah kira bosou juga baitu kan. wkakakak

  11. lumis---->ada ada dua bosou utk kau....jadi bila kau mau ambil nie hehehehe..rm8 jak kio...tu ja hahahaha

    cicak----->tompinai, hahaha..ko pun pandai makan bosou kah? wahhh...siok ada clan sa nie krekrkerkerke