For the last respect....they (cousins) pray for their deceased cousin...
This morning, I received an sms from my first cousin saying that our other cousin (my 2nd cousin) has passed away..I was shocked and felt a bit sad...The deceased was a very kind, happening and friendly type of person...He passed away at his 19th years old age (too young to die kan...*sob*sob*sob....), after drank some of grass poison...huh!!!..From the information that I heard, the deceased was so devastated after losing his girlfriend and his condition became worst after his mother scolded him because dringking too much (Alcohol related)..As the result, he drank maybe a cup or two of grass poison (Garamaxon)...What a fool kan ????.. Last 2 weeks I heard a quite same case like this but at different place...I'm so disappointed when someone took their life early than it should be...Sometimes I'm confused, why these poor mind people did things like this???...This is SUICIDE!!!!..... Huh!!!***Sighing..... Well, what to do..they choosed this way, so, there's nothing much we can do...May god bless him and his family...AMIN.....
aduh.. kenapa mau bunuh diri.. siannya.. kali teda dapat support bah.
Takziah bob.
Bunuh Diri bukan JAWAPAN terhadap masalah kita ... TUHAN masih ada .. sian nya juga huhu
Dusun Aroma---->ya, I think so juga..sian kan...
Gidong----->itulah bah, kadang2 sa fikir..pendek juga akal dorang nie...belum lagi merasa pi Hunter sudah passed away :d
Apa apa pun, God bless his soul. Tu lah, support from friends & family so penting. Jgn suffer sendirian - pigi Hunter ramai2. :p
Bobby..napa cam sa mau ketawa baca ko punya reply to Gidong's comment...?? emmm..teruk ow ko ni...Lots of ways to deal with a problem..Suicide isn't supposed to be in the greatest condolence to the deceased family members....
one of my aunt pun passed away pasal bunuh diri minum heran napa dorg ni cepat putus asa n teda keyakinan diri...ur cousin bru 19th yrs old..suda mau minium garamaxon hanya kerana PUTUS CINTA...OMG...jan kerana CINTA kita menyeksa diri kita...CINTAILAH yg MAHA ESA..amenn...MAY HIS SOUL REST IN PEACE..
apa2 pun..ikut la si bobby pegi HUNTERS selalu utk mereasekan tension...minum TIGER jan minum GARAMAXON..butul ka bobby..ehehehe
jahat pula sy kan..huhu...masi lagi jauh kita perlu jln...jan sbb perkara kecil mcm putus cinta ni membantutkan perjalanan kita hingga ke hujung...GOD ALWAYS BE THERE FOR US..
May God bless him. For me, all the problem got its own solution. Try to be calm down.. calm down, and settle it.. may his soul rest in peace!
tigerlily---->you're right...we need to support each other
Mesh----->tulah ko nie...ko kena paham maksud tersirat itu ayat sa yang mana..banyak tmpt yang indah di dunia yang harus kita lawat muehehehehe
Nel---->ya bah kan nel...cepat tul derang putus asa...bagi sama juga bah..mcm putus selipar..kalo putus bulih sambung juga balik pakai paku ahakssss
astaga.. napa juga sampai begitu sekali.. hurm.. mesti orang pun kurang sedih.. coz.. he took the short way and hilarous way of going to err.. heaven or the other side? Well, condolence from me juga laa.. untuk yang masih hidup.. please jangan bunuh diri.. if you think life is hard.. think of other people yang bermati matian mau hidup.. ex. war victim.. orang yg berpenyakit..
pirut----->tulah bah pun nda senang bah kalo dengar org yang choosed suicide as the way to solve problem....
girllyen----->ya bah kan sumandak, hehehe....huhhuhuhu....wahhh...ada examples lagi kau bagi kan hehehehe
so sorry to hear this bobby..moga tuhan mengampuni dosa ini..dan memberkati soul dia..
wel----->Suicide is one of the biggest sin and that's what I know..yalah kan..harap dia dpt pengampunan lah...*sob*sob
sudah nasib dia, damaged had been done..kesian..
urangranau----->ya bah kan....sian kan dia
gallivanter----->hi..thanks for dropping by....hey, I still remember you..we met at SBG at Imperial Hotel..I still have your contact ID card...hehehe