For the first time, I went to dinner by using this slipper....hahahaha...Deymnnnnn!!!!!..It was my mistake cos didn't check my slipper properly...Then again, I only realized that my slipper not in the same colour when having my dinner at the food shop, Inanam area.....hahahaha...Deymnn again!!!!...**Biarlah...buat2 nda tau kan miahahahha
This photo snapped by my nephew...Cisss!!!!!....After took my bath, normally I will lay down on the sofa at our living room....hahahaha...***So tired bah after, need to take a short nap lah kunun tu before taking my dinner... Bobby said :- See, I told you....No specific title for this post hahaahahahha.....
sia suka tu selipar! wekekekeke... macam mana ko buli nda tersedar tu selipar ko tu bob...? adih...
markie--->hahahahaha.....galap gia time ingat ngam sudah salipar sa hahahahah..padahal inda eee...turus bisuk dia...mamy sa tanya, ko terbawa satu selipar kah dia bilang haahahaaahah