It's so funny...Thanks to my colleague for sending me these photos...hahaha....Now I can confirm all of you that animal really doesn't have brain...hahaha....*berabisan sa katawa nie nampak nie gambar....Some more, I thought that this animal really a desperate one..miahahahaha....So, I hope all of you enjoy the pictures...hehehe..~~peaCe
Astaga tompinaiiiiiiiiii 18SX btul ni gmbr2 nih!
Abis lah kucing sa nampak suda ni gmbr. Hehehehe
aik bobby, mmg tu karabau sengaja tu. dia anggap sextoy baitu mcm manusia juga hahaha!!! ops mo bulan puasa suda mo jaga sikit ni pikiran ^_^
defoo--->khakhakhakha...sexto kah inda tau arhhh kehkeheke