Yesterday, I went to the Government's Hospital in Tuaran. Well, actually I have something to do in that area but then again few problem appeared as I didn't expected it at all. So, I decided to go to the hospital since my job interrupted that day. If I'm not mistaken, this is my 2nd time to be here in Hospital Tuaran. The 1st one should be somewhere on 2002....heheehe...and now it's already 2008..6 years passed...I arrived at the counter and asked the person in charged...While I'm talking to one of the staff, I saw another staff over there also at the counter but she was facing on her pc...Then I realized that she was not doing something about hospital's stuffs...huh..she played "Tumblebuggs"...(Inilah government kan....alalalalalala)...But, I didn't care of it as it was not my business then...So, my number should be 3038 (huhuhu...mo amik nie numbur di 4 digit...hahaha..mana tau gia..khikhihkhihih)...There I need to wait and wait and wait...then, My number called once and I rushed to the room...room 3 actually...Inside the room, I sat down near the doctor...and he asked me.."Apa cerita.."...and I replied.."Macam biasa sija nie..gini2 lah"..then the doctor said " Bukan, maksud sia apa sakit ko"...muahahaha...wrong answer again..uhuksss...(Kitaiiii..bagi soalan pun yang terlampau am....huh..)..So, I told him everything...coughing for few weeks, and felt always tired..The doctor checked my mouth and after that checked my blood pressure and also my " Nadi- denyutan jantung mangkali...."...After finished all those normal things, he explained to me that I got Asthma and asking me whether I have asthma before...I told him.."Yes, I have before but that one was somewhere on 1998/9.."so, he just say "ohhhhh....."...He wrote something on a piece of paper..and asked me to go to the emergency room to use the inhaler system. There, I saw just few persons, I mean the staff chatting to each other...While I'm doing my inhaler's breathing, suddenly the main door at the back opened and I saw few people rushed inside..something like emergency...huhuhu...nice scenes dude...my opportunity to see this in front of my eyes.There, a guy came and another guy who lay on the "apaitu nama dia yang emergency punya tampat angkat urg tu..sia nda tau...hahaha..." also kana angkat masuk....I heard from their conversations, that guy, who is on his riding to go to Jabatan Penjara Malaysia, involved in one accident where he being hit by a lorry. He broke his left leg and his arms also got scratches... The guy who helped him and accompanied him along the way from the accident scene looks uncomfortable, panic, and bla...bla..bla..(balik2 cakap yang dia yang kasih save itu urang..teda urang mau tulung lah..ampai2 di jalanan lah....huh.ada lagi dia cakap..dia on the way mau pi jual gata and nampak itu urg kemalangan...edeeiiii..DETAILSSS urang bilang..yala..yala...ko tu penyelamat and don't interrupt the doctor and the nurses while they are doing their job...nanti silap..ko yang tanggung tau...)..I just enjoying the scene and took a hidden snapped...huhuhu.....after a few minutes, the guy (The saver lah kunun2...dalam komik..penyelamat dunia kaka id gulu2..muekekek) asked permission to take a leave and "sempat laie cakap...sia kasih tinggal no phone sia lah just in case kalo ada apa2.....huh....odoiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...dalam hati sia..kompom mau terima ANUGERAH PENYELAMAT dari Kementerian Kesihatan hahahahahah....My inhaler machine suddenly stopped and doctor said that it's ok already...he gave me my treatment slip and asked me to go to the Medicine's Counter to take my medicine....abisss sorita dahh..trus sia balik pi opis sambil senyum2 ingat tu scene tadi...hahahaah
Jahat jg tanggapan ko sama c penyelamat tu???.. Nama tu trolley kalu x silap Emergency Trolley tu... Mahal tu wei..
hahahha..sirius bah si freddass...ndalah bah sampai buruk sekali tanggapan sia..tapi kalo dia dpt pun anugerah tu...thanks god...syukur pada dia...heheeheh...
muahahaha... lucu juga crita hospital ko ni... nasib patah kaki saja... kalu half dead, itu inhaler machine ko pun inda cukup untuk ko tu... kah kah kah...
get well soon bro....perhatian!!..bagus ko kain nurse la senang...wakakkaka..pakai healer macam budak kicil...hehehe
thanks for ur concerned everyone....Swordbomber....yabah...nasib itu patient yg kemalangan teda ampus..kalo ada...mana sia mau bershare...lalalaalala......leo--->tenkiu kio bro....mau ambil nurse jaga sia kah maksud ko tu...hahahaha..kitaiii ko....kalo ada yang lawa nda apa juga...hahaha