David Hernandez — “I Saw Her Standing There”
For me, David over do it his performance last nite. I also didn't like it very much..sorry David---->you deserved to be kick out..
For me, David over do it his performance last nite. I also didn't like it very much..sorry David---->you deserved to be kick out..
Gay-stripper David Hernandez performed in the top 12 on American Idol last night, giving one hell of a cheesy performance. Last week Hernandez was “outed” as a gay-stripper and this week Queerclick.com posted the above picture of a scantily clad Hernandez.
Prior to his performance his introduction casually mentioned nothing of his stripping past. Hernandez lied to us telling us he goes to school and then used to go to work (before he was fired, what was this years ago?) at a pizza bistro. That must be Arizonian for stripper.
At the end of his performance Ryan Semencrest said to Hernandez:
“You’ve had a stressful week over the last week or so.”
Most likely referring to the scandal regarding him that have been plastered all over the internet.
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