My little 3 years old cousin, Mel Zico Best Melvin Fong....(Nakal butul ini budak nie heehhehe.....)
My partner (bukan golpren sa kama nie, kawan rapat sa punya golpren, si Gidong a.K.a Butak) at the party, Ms. Tompok...hehehe...(Geng karas sa nie...Kunun2 bawa dia supaya dpt eskep awal..nga..tau2 nda juga terbalik awal edeiiiii.....)
Kids doing their own business on the stage...
It was a very happening night where my little cousin celebrate his 3rd birthday party. The party held at Atlantis Restaurant, Bundusan..As usual, we, the family members are compulsory to come...Ermmm...Me and Tompok arrived there at about 8.00pm..Supposed we need to reach there before 7.30pm cos the program start on 7.30pm..When we arrived there, I saw few of my cousins were at the carpark area...*hehehehe...mimang mcm tu lah derang tu..kihkikhih..Pok yang time makan baru mau masuk dalam..mau escape dari dingar2 ucapan lai tu muahehehhe...Inside the hall, I saw few tables were still empty hehehe...Keluarga sepa lai tu yang nda datang arhhh...kana sogit lai tu nanti hehehe....The dinner was a bit messy by the crowds...It looks like a "Kampung2" style where crowds need to line up to wait for their turn hahahaha..apa2 sija lah kan.....On that night also, I saw few activities were made such as "Oka-Oka" dance, Children Fashion Show and Karaoke Session....Me and Tompok left the party at about 9.30pm and straight away to Hunter for another friend's birthday celebration...~~PeaCe anD lalalalalalala...
belated happy bofday to your cousin :)
hahaha....sempat lagi sy ter"menari" hahaha....nti ko daling boby time sy menari ko kasih malu2 sy aahhhaha...
gregchai----->thanks bro..hehehe
Tompok----->daling..sepa suruh ko pigi juga..kalo sa sa berkeras nda mau tu hahahahaha..satu dewan nampak kamurang manari kan hahahaha
daling bin boby....mesti kena sporting ma...takkan serius.....ko la tu mau juga malu padahal mami jg yg bwa menari ...cishh...dush dush dush
Tompok---->sa nda pandai manari bah...tulah sa malu muahahahaha