SamuEL anD WoLLy WeDDinG Day

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Self photo 1

Self Photo 2

Group Photo 1

Group Photo 2

Group Photo 3

Olen, Me, Gidong and Jr

Pictures above took on last Sunday somewhere in Kiulu area...We the o2c's members, organized a 2 day 1 night trip to a place which absolutely gorgeous..Thanks to Mr. West for the accommodation ya....hehehe....Well nothing much I can say over here cos you all maybe already seen these pictures inside some of my blogger friend...You know who are they actually Bhehehe...So, I don't need to put the name list here...wakakakka...Last but not least, BOBBY would like to wish a Happy Raya Day to all muslims in Malaysia....May god bless all of us...~~PeaCe and Selamat Hari Raya
Ermm.....I think it was "Wonderful Tonight" song that I sang that night...hehhe

Looking at the screen....

At the lobby area

A bunch of happy friends....


Love you all o2c hehehehe......

Last week, o2c members had a great singing time at Hunters Pub and Karaoke Lounge...It was really superb with the drinks and chit chatting with each other....We arrived there at about 8.00pm...First of all, I need to say thank you to Mesh and Jr for the gift that they bought during their trip to Cebu, Philippines recently...heheh...**Sa bulum cuba lagi itu baju the way, it looks cute to me hahahha....** Ada kilat2 lagi nie..muahahaha..For me, having great times with beloved fellow friends really makes me the way..I love you all my o2c's friends...mmuaahh muaahh and ~~PeaCe
0 Comments last I finished my projects this year...huhuh....I'm very happy hahahha....So, should be no problem for my Performance Appraisal Review this coming November...I hope I can get full bonus amount next year...hehehe....

I saw in my yearly schedule, I only have 3 projects which I need to settle before end of March, 2009...Still got time right...ahaksss...No headache already for 3,4 months ahead from now on....time to relax my body and mind....I do hope all of my friends and expecially my colleagues to finish up their projects so that we can relax for few months...One thing about my job is, when it turns to busy time, it will sure be busy for days and sometimes the whole month will be busy...but if the projects done means, it's time to honeymoon hahhaha....

Oklah you all, I need to stop here for a while...I need to do some reports regarding my outstation recently....**Kalo nda, nda bulih claim lorrr.....hehehe...~~PeaCe and HappY RaYa
"Wifi"ing near MarryBrown cafe...**Curi2 online nie...

My favorite place after the wifi open everyday including weekends

I was blur at this come the girl was the one who did the "Tukul2 lantak2"...while the boy watching....**Huh!!..dunia sudah tabalik....

Early in the morning...I sat here at KFC (KIA) while waiting for the boarding

It was yesterday morning when I left Kuching City to continue my outstation month...Going ahead to Sibu by Air Asia flight..It only took about 40 minutes to reach at Sibu's airport...1 week stayed in Kuching was really a tiring days...Everyday, I need to take cab to go to the office and it cost me around RM20+ perday....***Abis bah budget...tiada masa mau oleng2....pertengah bulan plak tu....edeiiii....

The hotel seems very terible..For those who want to book "Borneo Hotel", do keep in mind that, I DON'T suggest you all to stay there...I was angry with my HR for the booking..Well, what to do..I'm the one who give them the approval...**hahahha...kimbets....kana sondiri....The facilities a bit dissapointed...Only the lobby gave them the attraction...hahaha...thumbs up for the lobby...hahaha...the room and the services are "0"....**Kotoh.....

So, right at the moment I'm in the office...Already finished up my task for today and seems so free and can update my blog..hehehe...*jan jilos....Owh ya, here in Sibu, I stay at TanahMas Hotel...My favorite hotel in Sibu....*yala, cos at 2nd floor, they got karaoke lounge...hehehe...can oleng2 maahhh...muahahahha..Last but not least, I will update more as often as I can then....hehe...Can't wait to go home already..I really miss KK......Done..~~PeaCe and ChioW.....
Oleng2 time...huhuhu...hehehe...**Sa nda minum air suam okey.....mengkali hahaha

I'm so surprised to meet one of my KK City's pal...hahaha...**Sampai juga ko sini kan Jack hahaah

~~~Unnnnduuukkkkkkk NgaaadaaaUuuuuuu.....Do Bandukaaannnnn....Kihoiiii...Enit jugalah.....muhahahaa

A lovely and friendly new friend, Mr. Dion and Mr. Ancis...hehee

The bar...errmmmm...**Bulihlah kampung2....hehe

Hehehe....I was so suprised hehehe....good job to the owner....**Aramaitieeee...

Photo of a friend's house 1

Apa kabarrrrrr orang kampungggggggggggg Bingkor......aramaitieeeeeee.....

Whoohoooo.....a very long hanging bridge....***Going somewhere....*(*&^%...rumah kawan sa juga bah di soborong nie hehehe

It's me....lalalalalala

Huh!!!...what was that???...***Danjoe...ko harus bertanggungjawab terhadap itu badak kicil kama hehehe

Friend's house 2

Friend's house 3

Friend's house 4

Friend's house 5

After the Mahua and TVRC's trip, I went to Keningau to continue my outstation...Just after had our lunch at TVRC on the same day, I then directly drove to Keningau town..It tooks me only about half an hour to reach there....**hehehe...laju kah hehehehe...

After I finished up all my job task, I took a short break inside my room at Juta Hotel Keningau...ermm...the hotel was nice and the room absolutely good...So, I recommend to those who want to look for hotel in Keningau, do check-in here...(**Kalo itu owner Hotel Juta nampak ni, sa harap2 dia bagi komisen...yala...promoting kan hehehehe)

Having a short break really helped me much...ahakss..I called a friend of mine, Mr. Paladius a.K.a Enit...My first time meet with him actually..Before this only chat in Blog's Shoutbox....Well, after met with him, what can I say about him are, he is a very friendly guy, talkative, a good singer...and very helpful...haha...(**Promote si Enit dulu nie...muahahaha)...

Mr. Enit brought me to visit some few places at his village...It is Bingkor (Sepaaaa yang berasal dari sini.....jagaaaaa...hahahaha)....I took few pictures and our last station off course Bandukan's Karaoke Lounge...I met another new friends there, actually Enit's friends....We had a very enjoying night, singing, laughing, drinking..and to name a few...hahaha...It was really happening night...Our party night ended about 12:00 midnight...hehe..we had late supper before Enit sent me to my hotel...A big clap to these fellows friends...hehe...From now on..I think, I love Keningau...kihkihkihkih....~~~PeaCe BebeH.....uhuuu..kamu ketahuan...lalalalala
O2C GrouP pHoto

Some of us went to Vegie Market to buy something for the dinner early as 3pm this "Stuff" came out from inside the house...*Sepa yang harus bertanggungjawab nie...hahaha

Old School looks...hehehe...*Aramaitieeee....

We also had a very enjoying bbq session...thanks to those who hardly "Burn" the wings....hahaha

Man and woman who's incharged the kitchen on that night...*Mesh sama Lumis jugalah muaahhaha

This is Lisa..A friend of us from Mukah, Sarawak but live in Lawas...*naahhh...bingung kan...muahaha

The dishes for the dinner are "Terung Bakar", Chicken Wings, Lada, "Sambal Peria", "Ikan Masin Daun Bawang" and "Sawi"....owhh...ada juga Sup Ayam Special Mesh.......(Mesh--->ko nda mau berterima kasih sama saya atas tunjuk ajar buat sup...muahahaha...)

As requested by other O2C's's the game...Bobby only with "Boxer" Vs Jason.....hahaha....The result, I won the game....

Modelling session (Half Sober) with BBKK T-shirt

Again, a photo session made by them early in the morning...**Subuh2 bergambar edeiiiii

"EskiMo'ian"...hahahaha....No comment muahahaha

Muahahaha...this is the climax post for our journey to Tambunan....hehehe..actually there were hundreds of pictures but here in my blog I just publish a few of it...So, for the rest of it, do request from us (O2C Member)....hahaha...Okey, let me start from the intro...After we visits the "Tugu Mat Salleh", we then move to Tambunan town to have our lunch cos at Mahua Waterfall, we didn't took any food yet...We went to a small shop, near the 4D STC...haha...**Sepa tu arhhh sampat lagi pi bili numbur....Sa pun ada bah...sikit2 Mesh yang duluan, kami ikut lah hahahaah....

After we finished the lunch session, we then went to the "vegie" market to buy some vegetables and "things" that related for our dinner tonight...hahaha..I just wait for the others doing their "vegie shopping"...After that, we had our photo shoot somewhere near the Tips Karaoke Lounge...hahaha...**Kamurang tinguk lai tu gambar big family tu krekrekrker....

As early as 3.oopm, Mamai (bukan nama sebenar...hahaha), arranged us a "Tajau" session...naahhh....matai naahh.....Huh...we "Biris" that "Tajau" slowly while some of us doing photography, playing poker and some of them dancing.....hahaha...The times flew seconds by seconds, minutes by minutes and hours by hours...

The dinner session was delicious and for sure everyone refill their "Tank" as full as they can...hahaha..nyaammm...nyammm.nyaammm...

After that, we continued again our so called "Meginum" session...This time, the environtment was not the same..A bit different as everyone were intoxicated and sober already....**Sa sija tidak...muhahahaha....Then, the environment became more enjoying and fun...after the "Jim Beam" served...Owh ya, we do have few games on that night...We called it "Tang Tang Tang", "Terung" and "Ntah apaitu nama dia yang pigang2 warna tu hahahaha".....Everybody seemed enjoying themselves...

Late at night and near to early morning (Subuh bah....), we had our photography session where we were the model aswell...ermmm....You all can see the pictures above...I wasn't in the photo cos I already ZZZzzzzzZZZzzzz....wakakaka....So, let it be lah...From what I've been told the next morning, everyone ended the fun moments at about 3.00am...naahhh kau...12 jam....

Next morning, some of us went to the nearest river to take bath...But, I think they're trying to "Kasih hilang kogutan"...naahhh kompom kan....hehe...So last but not least, we had our lunch first before we pack our stuffs and check out from Tambunan Village Resort Centre a.K.a TVRC....Well, there you go..A very enjoying weekend that O2C member had..~~PeaCe and Tang Tang Tang....hehe

SoMe Of The PhRaSes/WorDs On That Night

"1,2 Cha Cha Cha"
"Nah Sia pandai sudah"
Kamurang tidak pandai manari owhh"
"Ok, we do it like this...."
"Sepa lagi punya turn tu"...
"Nah kau "chung"...ko pai ulung"...
"Men buyuk owh...mana ada kau minum..."
"Sadap owh tu sayapkan kalo campur madu..."
"Kanapa hangus nie..."
"Cuba ko try nie sup...apa yang kurang..."
"Ginikah yang kau bilang itu sambal tu.."
"Ko kawan sa bah, jadi ko lagi minumlah...minum sikit ja pun nda apa..."
"uiiiiii...kita bulih buat video clip sudah nie..."
"kalo ko mau nyanyi ini..ko guna head, chest or stomach voice..."
"Kanapa kau tidur....kau yang paksa minum kau pula yang tidur..."
Best wording/phrases tu malam is.."SA MAU PULANG...SA TIDAK MAU JADI URANG GILA SINI...."....hahahaha....
Should be the grave of Mat Salleh

They provide a small space for this great man who fighting for our nation...

A photo which will be a memorable moment for me

Mesh standing in front of paddy field...(*Ko tia dangki kah Mesh sama Tambunan hehehhee)

Me and Junior caught in action...hahaha...*ntah apa yang kami sorita time tu...

After the swimming session at Mahua Waterfall, we then move to visit "Tugu Mat Salleh"...A well known hero for Sabahan especially the Tambunan's people...Nothing much I can review about this place...So, you all can see these pictures then...hehehe....*Katara bah pamalas kan know me...~~PeaCe bebeh and sa Mau baLik HoteL dah niE...KFC maU tutup udah hahaha...
What a lovely angle hehehe...

Another shoot from my HP..

Small cabin for the guests

Resting before swimming time...(*tompok napa ko sedih hahaha...)

O2C group....*tang *tang *Tang

A shoot by Junior's Canon EOS

A shoot by Lumis's DigiCam

I was freezing..The water so darn cold...

Start to swim...*palan2 kunu sa jalan...padahal takut terlicin hahaha

Photo snapped by Lumis...hehehe....

Last weekend, we, O2C group had a very wonderful activities where we went to Tambunan. The trip organized by our own and for sure it was fantastic. We, (Me, Mesh, Jr, Gidong, Lisa, Lumis, Tompok, West, Sumpit, Mamai, and Jason)..First place, we went to Tambunan's Mahua Waterfall...ermm..the water is so darn cold. The view is just ok lah...hahaha..what can I saw because it's just ok ok lorr....hahaha..Everyone enjoying their time here as for me, I really enjoyed myself...These pictures (Above) are some of the pics that we took on that day...Other pictures you all can see at O2C's member....~~PeaCe and SmiLe