<< HaPpY BiRthDaY >>

Picture of my mum...~~SteaDy ko kio mum...hehe..*I didn't have any picture of my sister..to those who came during my raya open house maybe have seen her...hehe

Here I would like to wish Happy Birthday to my mum and my eldest sister. My mum's birthday is 5th Of October while my eldest sister's birthday is 6th Of October which is today...hehehe..I hope both of you will be always in good health and may god bless our family...I love both of you...Happy 49 years old to my mum and happy 25 years old to my sister...~~PeaCe and Love

4 Person has expressed his thoughts, Now you turn guys!

  1. Happy bday aunty n sis.....DAling Boby tolong kasih smpi ni pesanan kio daling....

  2. tompok------>ok bah kalo ko daling hehehe...dorang pun kanal ko sudah gia tu kan hehehehe

  3. Birthday ko bila pulak? Nak hantar sambal sotong petai kat kau nanti :-)

  4. shah------>ok arhhh..ko sudah ckp ko mau hantar...my birthday is on next month..november..hahaha....yessssss...
    ade org nak bagi hadiah hahahha