SamuEL anD WoLLy WeDDinG Day

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Taraaa....Its me...hehehe....Just arrived at the office..

I choose this shirt for today's appearance...wait and see

Brown trouser should be match with my shirt I think...hahahaa

Most important stuff that I never left and forget, my laptop which I think used almost 24hours/day....*Huh!!! ahakssss...

Not forget to feed my "Tabung Panda" and use fragrance...hehehe...This time I use Versace

My Breakfast should be this one...hehehe....*Lebihan semalam bai nie pi Pizza kehkehekhe

This morning, I woke up around 5:40 a..m early in the surprised...kekhekhekehhe..I took my bath just after I woke up....Never scared the cold water cos we have water heater system...hahaha...After took my bath, I took my breakfast which is my extra Pizza Hut's pizza slices..Actually, I can't finish it last night when I went to City Mall Pizza Hut for dinner, so, I bring it back home and eat it as for my breakfast this morning......Then, time to go for work...hahaha...The shirt and trouser are as pictures above....Not much I want to say here today..a bit busy nowadays but as long as I update my blog, I think it should be ok already...Bye for Now and will update again soon..~~PeaCe from Bobby
Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 3

Photo 4


A barong Tagalog (or simply barong, from the word baro) is an embroidered formal garment of the Philippines. It is very lightweight and worn untucked (similar to a coat/dress shirt), over an undershirt. It is a common wedding and formal attire for Filipino men as well as women. The term "barong Tagalog" literally means "Tagalog dress" (i.e., "baro ng Tagalog" or "dress of the Tagalog") in the Filipino language. The barong was popularized as formal wear by Philippine President Ramon Magsaysay, who wore it to most official and personal affairs, including his inauguration as president. The barong was officially made the national costume by a decree from President Ferdinand Marcos in 1975.

Types of cloth used

Filipinos don their finest formal barongs in a variety of fabrics.

White Jusi™ fabric - has been developed by pioneering Barong designers at MyBarong in response to the demand for pure white, elegant fabric for the modern groom's wedding Barong.

Piña fabric - is hand-loomed from pineapple leaf fibers. And because Piña weavers in the Philippines are dwindling, its scarcity makes the delicate Piña cloth expensive and is thus used for very formal events.

Jusi fabric - is mechanically woven and was once made from abacca or banana silk. Today, China is the main source of polyester Jusi.

Banana fabric - is another sheer fabric used in formal occasions. Made and hand woven from banana fiber, it usually comes with geometric design details. This fabric hails from the Visayas island of Negros.

Piña-Jusi fabric - is the latest barong fabric that just came out of the market and is gaining much popularity. With the sheerness of pineapple fibers and the strength of the jusi fiber, this "new" fabric blend offers the market the same formality needed on special occasions at a more reasonable price range.


The term "Barong Tagalog" is used almost exclusively to refer to the formal version of the barong; however, less formal variations of this national costume also exist.

J-cut Barong™ - Is the latest in the line of casual Barongs. The J-cut Barong™[5] has become the apparel of choice for grooms in beach weddings, garden weddings & other destination weddings.

Polo barong - refers to a short-sleeved version of the barong, often made with linen, ramie or cotton. This is the least formal version of the barong, often used as office wear (akin to the suit and tie).

"Gusot-Mayaman" ("gusot" means "wrinkled" and "mayaman" means "wealthy") and Linen barongs - barongs that are not constructed with pina, jusi, or similarly delicate fabrics are generally considered less formal than the barong Tagalog. Both "gusot-mayaman" and linen barongs are used for everyday office wear.

Shirt-jack barong - barong cut in shirt-jack style usually in poly-cotton, linen-cotton and gusot-mayaman fabrics. Popularized by politicians and government officials and worn during campaigns or out-in-the-field assignments. This barong style gives the wearer a more casual look yet lends a more dressed-up appearance from the usual street worn casual wear.

Articles from

Bobby says :- I saw this cloth when I was watching our company 15th Annivesary DVD which held at Putrajaya International Convention Centre (PICC)..I saw a group of our clients who came all the way from Phillipines wearing their traditional costume which is "Barong"...It seemed that I started to like this cloth for the first time hehehe...For me, the cloth look so unique and got its own style...I think I want to buy one for myself...wekekeke...I will try to contact my colleague at Phillipines to buy this cloth...huhuhuhu...~~PeaCe anD bObbY LikE ThiS Cloth VerY MuCh...
Me and Danjoe....

From left :- Kuai, Danjoe, Alvin (Infinatez), Me and Jimmy

Alvin, Danjoe, Kuai, Me, Jimmy and Gurangak

It is time to choose the BBKK shirts hehehe

Me and Jimmy on our way to the Air Asia Airport at Tanjung Aru

Last week, me and my colleague, Mr. Jimmy went to Air Asia Airport at Tanjung Aru....only one purpose, to take the BBKK shirts and meet with BBKK fellow friends...hehehe..That time, me and Jimmy arrived a bit early and waited them for about 10 minutes...Actually, my first time meeting with Mr. Alvin (Infinatez 's member-Gangstarz season 1)...One thing I found about Mr. Alvin, he is kinda friendly and easy going type of person...miahahaha...That time I bought 6 pairs of BBKK T-Shirts...huh!!..*Banyak kan hehehe....After, the "Jual-Beli" session, Me, Jimmy, Danjoe and Gurangak went to Tanjung Aru to take our lunch..So, we choosed Tanjung Aru Lama area..As for Mr. Alvin, he went to RTM with Kuai and Zie....After we had our lunch, we then straight ahead to Padang Bandaran to send Danjoe and Gurangak there..Actually, they were going to National Park on the same day..*Derang mau naik gunung beitu bisuk2 dia hehehe..Oklah, that's all for now hehe.....~~PeaCe anD Chau Cin ChoW...
Is this picture look alike? *Samakah...cuma warna jak yang lain kan hehehe...

Refer to my title above...How Similar Are You With Your Dad and Mom???...ermmm...Nice title hahahaha...Now, for those who still didn't know where I am right now, here's the answer...

Now, at the moment, I'm at Kuching, Sarawak...I'm here because need to finish-up some projects (Outstation Trips la bai nie hehehe...) which needed for my appraisal performance evaluation...*Kira untuk kenaikan pangkat and gaji sekali lah bai tu....So, back to my main title...Regarding the similarity between you, your dad and your mom...This idea came when my dad sent me to the Terminal 2 airport yesterday...Wow...what a coincidence...hehehe..

Ok, let me start it like this...Yesterday, when my dad sent me to the airport, I just sat and look at my dad...What I realized on him that, I have the same driving skill like him..same attidude also miaahaha....Here we go :-

1) If there is a car at right lane and drive her/his car like turtle, I will surely take over that car by using left lane and after that will look at the driver like a mad person...hahaha...
2) When my dad drive his car, he will turn on the radio loudly...hahaha..same with me also...
3) My dad like singing and yes, I am too....
4) My dad is a jungle freak and same goes to me...
5) He likes pets...hahaha...but he really likes dogs and "Ayam Kampung" especially the "Ayam Sabung" and as for me, I likes Rabbits and hamster...

~~~That are some of the similarity between me and my dad~~

So, here comes with my mom...

1) She likes to cook and same goes to me..Actually she taught me a lots on how to cook
2) She likes greeny environment...hahaha...Me also like it much and you can see it that my blog layout is greeny also...
3) She likes travel but only for flowers..but for me, I like to travel only for vacation....*Kira sama la bai tu kan hehehe
4) She likes to dance..(*Macam juara kampung dia tu..abis apa tidak asal ada karamaian, dia jak yang start itu "Dance Floor"...wekekeke...) for me, I do like dancing...(*Panari sikulah bai nie dulu....Oppsss...bucur rahsia...ahahaha)...

~~Can't state it anymore, too many of it~~

Lastly, I made my own conclusion that, somehow, somewhere, if one of you already married and got children, your children still have the similarity of you...and most of them are your OWN attidude/habits/hobbies and to name a few....Trust me...~~~PeaCe and BobbY loves His Parents
Ping Ping -->Emon's Cousin

Ely (Emon's youngest sister) and Wita (*Kawan sa dari duuuuuuluuuu lagi)

Wita, Ping Ping and Ely...(Friendship never ends)

My close friend, Mr. Emon and Mr. Ronald...(Kawan2 batumbuk time secondary school....time main bola bah hehehehe)

Two close/best friend (*Derang nie dari kicil lagi sudah bubud2, men tapuk2....hahahaha....neighbours bah diaorang nie)

Pictures above taken during our small gathering at Double Up Fun Pub, Kolombong...It was really fun when we (Close friends-Ping Ping, Emon, Ronald, Wita and Ely) met each other...Yes, I admit that sometimes I'm not around with them but I do still remember them...khikhihkhikhikih...*Susah jugakan kalo sudah bekerja..too busy and got few other things to do.....It was Friday night when they Emon called me....hehehe...unfortunately, I am free and available that night...So, this time I joined them and really had a fun night with them.....I hope our friendship will never end....Love you all~~PeaCe anD BobbY is Had A GreaT Day TodaY muaaKekekekeEE
1...2...3....Smile...(This one at Centre Point...If I'm not mistaken during our sight seeing with Mr. Mahapson and Mr. Troyz..They are bloggers too...)

Trying to set something hahaha (Also at Centre Point, KK)

having a cup of coffee after the lunch buffet haha...

A snapped outside the building..way to the sea side

hahaha...Really don't like this pose hahaha....

Thanks to Lumis for this snapped

Again...a snapped by Ms. Lumis

Actually this photos taken long time ago...hahaha...just got these pictures and published them here in my blog...It was a day where me, Mesh, Gidong, Lumis, and Jr having our lunch buffet at Sutera Pacific, Kota Kinabalu...Again thanks to the sponsorer, Mr. Jr...hehehe...thanks arhhh cos invited me also...hehehe...The foods were just it very much...No wonder cos it is a 5 Star place...I think so lah wekekee.....After the lunch buffet, we went to the sea side for photoshoot...The weather was good at that time...Near the sea side, there got few wooden seats that provided by the hotel...We sat there and enjoyed the fresh air and wind...It was just so peace...Aiyaaa...I wish I can do that oftenly...I will...hahaha....So, up there are just some of the photos that shooted on that day..I believed you all can see the others at Mesh, Gid, lumis or Jr's blog...hehehe...~~PeaCe anD Edeiii...KanYaNg Owh Tu TimE...
Our drinks

Jimmy's lunch set

Bvvry's lunch set

I took the western set, Chicken Chop...~~Nyammm

This is Jimmy...

This is me

This is Bvvry

Cherry's building

Yesterday, me and my colleagues went to Cherry Lounge to take our lunch...*Ntah napa kami tiba2 mau pi sono...hujan2 lagi gia tu hahahaha..My colleagues told me that they want to take their lunch somewhere else...a different place...huhuhu..So, I brought them to Cherry Lounge, Inanam...The price quite ok...~~Nda murah nda mahal lah orang bilang...The place also seemed ok...The food was superb...I really like it...As for me, I took western style lunch set which was Chicken Chop...The taste was so delicious...You all should go and try Cherry's me....kihkihkhikhihkih...Owh ya, they also got jackpot section....*Wink* macam...mau cuba nasib wekekeke...~~PeaCe and AraMaiTieeee
Jeng..Jeng...Jeng...Dare to do this??

Close-up view

Hehehe...Did you see who's that guy with white shirt???..Ngeh ngeh ngeh...Mr. Fredo beitu....hehehe

My colleague trying to stand-up the egg...haha..*Macam putus asa sudah dia...tiada kesabaran kan muahahaha

This pictures took yesterday near to my office...I went there just to bought some fast food and saw all those eggs stood straightly...wuyoooo...~~~Kagum kagum.....I asked the owner who did it and she said her assistant did it...ermmm...~~Misti kakak yang gumuk tu hahahahha....My colleague tried to do it but seemed it was too hard for him...and "YES", it was too hard for me also...kahkahakhaka...By the way, leave it then...miahahahha...~~Tia penting juga kan....ABIS...~~PeaCe aNd HuJanNNNNNNN siJa NiE...Edei...*SigH...
Yihaaaa..this is the result...~~Aren't it so high?? hahaha...*Sa baru abis makan sup isi ikan guring bei tu...tulah pressure naik....lalalalala

Erghhh...what was that? * Macam rusak bacaan dia...wekeke

My colleague snapped a picture of me..It was a digital machine which can read blood pressure and heart pulse

Ready to be check~~~


Those pictures took on this morning after having my breakfast..One of our regular customer come to our office to purchase few products..So, I took the oopurtunity to check my blood pressure and also heart pulse too....*Macam lama sudah sa nda check tekanan darah sa nie hehehe...But, FYI, I had "Sup Isi Ikan Goreng" before do the blood pressure checking..The reading showed that my result is 144 (Up), 93 (Down) and heart pulse is 64(Should be ok rite???)...It's good to check your blood pressure and heart pulse regularly...This will give you hints whether you are in good healthy or not...As for me, I have High Blood Pressure which I really concerned all the time...* Paham2 lah bah urang gumuk wekekeke....So, here I would like to advice all of you, please do a regular checking on your blood pressure and heart pulse...This is good for your life and you only need to spend RM1.00 for it...hahaha...(RM1.00 pun takkan lah bah nda mampu mau bayar sama itu tukang check darah....)..Your health is more important than your RM1.00....Trust me..~~PeaCe anD God BlesS You aLL..
Duhh!! *Sigh.....I got asthma attack again last night..It was so annoyed me and ruined my sleep..When it attacked me, I started to cough a lot and sometimes made my head dizzy a bit..FYI, after I had my dinner last night, I went to my room for bed time..It was about 6:30pm and I must say, yes, it was too early for us to go to bed (Due to tiredness bai tu..heheh)..Well, one thing you people need to know about Asthma's people..WE are easily felt tired...It's the common symptom for those who got Asthma..This morning I woke up at about 5:00 a.m...*Yala..sudah awal tidur mestilah awal bangun hehehee....And today, I'm planning to go to the Luyang Hospital which I suppose to do few weeks ago...*Sigh....Supposed I need to see the doctor to control my asthma but again I was too lazy to meet the doctor or go to the hospital..This time, I think I should go for a treatment again...Oklah, it is 6:21 a.m now..I need to take my bath, having my breakfast and drive ahead to Luyang Hospital...ermm...I'm scared there might be lots of people queuing, if I didn't come early ..kihkihkih..*Panat bai tu menunggu lama2...hehehe..bah...I will try to snapped few pictures later and post it over here...~~PeaCe anD ChAu Chin Chow

SoMe Of The PicTureS at LuYanG HosPitaL, KotA KinaBaLu, SaBah

This is my treatment slip

Pharmacy waiting area...

Registration hall at Luyang Hospital..

Way to the Main Entrance

I parked my car somewhere inside the housing area...(A very good parking...hehehe)

As promised, these are the pictures that I took during my visit to Luyang Hospital...This is only to give the view for those who will or want to go there for medical treatment or what so ever...hehehe..oklah..I'm hungry already...~~PeaCe anD KanO Lunch..