SamuEL anD WoLLy WeDDinG Day

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Stanly : Footloose (Kenny Loggins)
Alif : Rozana (Search)
Riz : Memburu Impian (Kaza)
Nubhan : Dealova (Once)
Toi : Syakilla (Rahim Maarof)


Stacy : Hati (1957) (Datuk Siti Nurhaliza)
Nadia : One Night Only (Dreamgirls)

AdDitiOnaL SonGs by StudEnts (All)

The Music Of The Night - Phantom of The Opera (Barbra Streisand)

Medley Songs -Terbang Burung Terbang (P.Ramlee), Nasi Goreng (Black Dog Bone), Lagenda (Sheila Majid), Apek & Marjiana (P.Ramlee), Obat (P.Ramlee), Cik Kecik Keboom (Saloma)

* Bobby said~~~~~> Off course my intention goes to Stacy...huhuhu...but the song titled "One Night Only" also attract me....huhuhu..what a big song...I espect a good performance equals to Jennifer Hudson and Beyonce.....(Kalo sumbang jaga...kama )
My CuRreNt MoOd

Nothing much to say over here...I'm just speechless and a bit moody these past few days...I don't know where exactly the Moody's source came...When I think again and reviewed few things, I spotted a matter where I think it is my big problem..Oklah, let me write something about it..Back to January 2008, a closed family of mine (*Name and gender is censored...*sigh...) ... That person asking for my help to lend *that person* some about RM1K + .....*That person promised me that I can get my money early of April's month...Today is 28th Of April 2008..So means almost 5 months already...But, when I ask about my money, "That Person" give me 1000 of reasons...Damn!! Saying this and too many excuses...Ehh hello, that is my money and its not a small amount...I think this is what made me so stressed...Last week I followed up this matter again with "That person" and promised me that will discuss about it on Monday which means today...This morning I sent a message for *That Person* and asking hows the discussion today.."That person" replied me that "That person" cannot make it today cos one of "That Person"s family admitted to the hospital....arghhhhhhhh...I'm fed up already...I need that money cos I need to settle few things...Due to this matter, some of my plan already inside the dustbin...I cannot do anything...I came to my mother and discussed about my problem..She replied me that maybe "That Person" cannot afford to pay me back cos they also got financial problem...Aduiilahhhh....So seems I need to wait like "Menunggu Bulan Jatuh Ke Riba" or "Seperti Menunggu Kucing Bertanduk"....*sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....
(By the Organizing Committee, Sugandoi Kaamatan 2008)

1. Syarat Kelayakan
- Peserta hendaklah seorang warganegara, sekurang-kurangnya seorang daripada ibu bapa peserta adalah kadazandusun.
- Peserta hendaklah berumur 17 tahun ke atas
- Peserta yang pernah memenangi gelaran johan sugandoi kaamatan peringkat Negeri/Daerah/N.13 Inanam adalah tidak layak untuk menyertai pertandingan ini.

2. Syarat Pemilihan Lagu
2.1 Pemilihan Awal
- Peserta hendaklah membawa sebuah lagu kadazandusun tulen yang berunsur bersih
- Hanya 10 orang peserta sahaja akan dipilih ke Peringkat Akhir

2.2 Pertandingan Akhir
- Peserta hendaklah membawa 2 buah lagu iaitu SATU lagu wajib dan SATU lagu pilihan sendiri.

3. Syarat Persembahan
- Peserta hedaklah menjaga disiplin dan ditegah daripada mengambil benda yang boleh memabukkan/menghayalkan semasa pertandingan.
- Peserta diwajibkan memakai pakaian tradisional semasa pertandingan akhir.

4. Yuran Pertandingan
-Setiap peserta yang menyertai pertandingan ini dikenakan yuran penyertaan sebanyak RM10.00 yang mana dibayar bersama dengan penghantaran borang penyertaan.

5. Jadual Pemilihan Awal dan Pertandingan Akhir
- Pemilihan awal akan diadakan pada 4hb Mei 2008 (Ahad) jam 9.30 pagi, bertempat di Dewan Masyarakat Menggatal.
- Peringkat akhir akan diadakan pada 10hb Mei 2008 (Sabtu) bermula jam 10.00 pagi, bertempat di Dewan Masyarakat Menggatal.


(By the Organizing Committee, Sugandoi Kaamatan 2008)


Norubat Piginawaan by Ateng
Ika Sosondihon Ku by Francis Landong
Nokosuai Ginawo Ku by Felix Agus
Nobolou Nangku Tupus Ku by Hain Jasli
Noromuk Lugu'd Piginawaan by George Lian
Unduk Ngadau Kaamatan by Evaritus Gungkit
Au Notilombus by George Lian
Kaamatan by Hain Jasli
Tupus Au Nosili by George Lian
Timbok Tingur Bulawan by Sakril Sidek
Unduk Ngadau Rumandawi by John Samud
Nokuro by Hain Jasli
Dandi Ku Dandi Nu by Francis Landong
Ula Ula by Aloysius Mojilis
Isai Zou Id Ginawo Nu by Evaritus Gungkit
Unduk Ngadau Tuun Diti by Sekar Madusa
Ika Noh Songulun Ipion Ku by Felix Don
Tupus Kinabalu by Jefly Miroh
Kosorou Kopo Nangku Doho by Jestie Alexius
Norikot Nodi Bulan Lima by John Gaisah
Ika Ih Unduk Ngadau by Marius Eyoke


Piginawaan Kumoinsan by Martha Ginun
Hiti Oku Poingandad by Ivy Alexandra M
Tadau Kaamatan by Clarice John Matha
Iziau Nasansagan Izou Sinansagan by Sharlene Petrus Edwin
Hivai Zou Noh Sogigisom by Martha Ginun
Hosoko Sinduvo Ginawo by Lorina Ingging
Id Tindalanon by Mary Intiang
Koidan Id Koposian by Esther Elizabeth Apolonius
Sumudai Zou by Lydia Joini
Adaa by Clarice John Matha
Sumusui Bawang Keliangau by Clare Petrus Edwin
Nokoikot Noh Monombuhui by Frederica Mojilis

* MERAH tu, lagu pilihan sa bai tu....masiam nga mau ikut ni....hehehe...Owh ya..I will post the rules and regulations after lunch time...hehehe...Lapar bah

Ermmm...nothing to post actually...hahaha....Owh ya..these pictures took last few weeks...This session made in a studio, somewhere in Tanjung Aru's area...Confidential bah...hahahhaa...Just a simple studio with a plain colour background with some soft lightings...Thanks to Mr. Fredo hehehe....Actually his photo shoot session bai tu..tapi pun pi "minta-puji" pi minta gambar...wakakakaka....tapi bukan juga sa pi kacau time si Fredo kana gambar bah....hahaha...ndalah bah kira mengacau tu kan...wakakaakakaka....oklah...sekadar selingan bai nie posting sa....huhuhu..Before that, my thanks goes to Mr. Gidong and Mr. Arteo also for participating this session...*Dorang tukang gambar tu ni time...muahehehe
Tower collapse causes major blackout

Kuala Lumpur: The major blackout in many parts of Sabah Monday night was due to an electrical tower collapse in Inaman. This caused a power trip at the Sepanggar power plant, said Energy and Communications Minister Datuk Shaziman Abu Mansor.

He said Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd (SESB) and the Energy Commission had already been instructed to carry out a thorough investigation on the matter.

A preliminary report he received revealed that there was heavy rain at the time of the incident, he said in a telephone interview from Italy.

The Sepanggar power plant has a capacity of 100 megawatt, but the disruption caused a power shortage in Sabah as peak demand in the state stood at 560 megawatt.

Almost all major towns in the western and eastern parts of Sabah were affected by the outage.

Some two million people were affected with businesses complaining of losses as they were forced to close early.

Power tripped at about 6.40pm, affecting all but Labuan, Beaufort, Telupid and Sipitang. It was being restored in stages by 7.15pm when the 132KV line tripped again, putting the situation back to square one.

However, a SESB official said power was restored to half the affected areas by 9.38pm.

Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd (SESB) Managing Director, Baharin Din told the Daily Express the Sepanggar IPP (Independent Power Producer) was directly linked to the East Coast, thus also affecting the districts there. He apologised on behalf of SESB for the inconvenience caused.

Residents from here, Penampang, Kota Marudu, Kudat, Kota Belud, Keningau, Sandakan, Tawau, Lahad Datu and Kunak, called up the newspaper to complain that power tripped at about 7pm.

Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman, who is attending the Rulers conference in Kuala Lumpur, directed SESB to rectify the power outage soonest possible.

Musa said he was made to understand that the blackout was due to a power drag at the Sepanggar plant. One shopowner in a shopping complex said he was forced to close before 8pm instead of the usual 10pm while restaurants had to rely on candles.

In TAWAU, an exposed high-tension wire in front of Wisma Rastamas caused a more-than-four-hour blackout, especially along Mile 31/2 and Mile 4, Monday.

A Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd (SESB) spokesperson said a small explosion occurred after the exposed wire came in contact with rainwater at about 8am.

The spokesperson said SESB technicians found the sheath had been worn out, adding they fixed the problem at about 12.30pm.

Tawau MP Datuk Chua Soon Bui urged the public to contact the authorities especially SESB in the event of cable thefts or blackouts at its toll-free number 15454 or office at 089-775288.

*Article took from

** Nasib di Kompleks Sukan Likas ada generator...kalo nda, tia dapat men badminton owh...hahahaha....

Front view...huhuh

Homemade pizza.....*mesti try ni cos..local's pizza bai nie..

Varieties of Buns

I went to Giant Supermarket with our manager last few days...Actually, she invite me to have lunch with her..Ermm....*kira dia mau balanja la bai tu kihkihkihkihkih...So, here we go...After took our lunch at the food court, we then went to the bakery shop to buy some buns for the other staffs....Inside the bakery shop, there were too many buns to choose...* sampai sa rambang mata....nda tau mau pilih mana satu hahahaha..One more thing that you all should know is, the prices also very cheap....hahaha...So, can buy many of it lah kan...heheh..If you don't believe me....please refer to my pictures...wakakkakakak....
Devenna Jaikob, standing proudly after being announced as the winner for Miss Sabah World 2008

Congratulation Devenna...**ko mimang buli

Devenna and Kimberly

Crowned by Debra Former Winner of Miss Malaysia World 2007

From left: Joanne Kimberly, Devenna Jaikob, Audrey

From left: Rounnah, Kimberly,Devenna,Audrey and emily

This event was on Saturday night..on 19th of April and held at Magellan Sutera Harbour...I have my ticket with me which sponsored by my aunt..Thanks aunt but so sorry I can't managed to attend the final last saturday night...My sorry also goes to my cousin Ms. Rounnah Beb Robert...and congratulation also...eventhough you are at the 4th place, it was ok...and you still young bah....go and cuba lagi next time ya....huhuhhu....Congratulations also to all the winner especially to Devenna Jaicob....*ko lah jadi wakil Sabah nie...hehehe....

*Credits goes to Benny Liew (Sa pinjam lu gambar ko tidak dapat pi tu malam bah hehehe)....For more info, please visit his website at
Before marriage...

He : Yes. At last. It was so hard to wait.
She : Do you want me to leave?
He : No! Don't even think about it.
She : Do you love me?
He : Of course! Over and over!
She : Have you ever cheated on me?
He : No! Why are you even asking?
She : Will you kiss me?
He : Every chance I get.
She : Will you hit me?
He : Are you crazy! I'm not that kind of person!
She : Can I trust you?
He : Yes.
She : Darling

After marriage..... *Simply read from bottom to top
So sorry for Kristy Lee Cook...Yes, we admit that you did good during your performances...but, America choose you to be kick-out..huhuhuh....My instinct went true after the elimination result...For me Kristy is not good enough to fight ahead with the other contestants...Other contestant are just so good....Well, for the next instinct goes to ??????..... :P
Errr..I think this one is Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan...

Nice view from the aircraft right...

MASwings..This one is Fokker 50

A Tower Clock...huuhhuu

You can see this just in front of the KFC...near TanahMas Hotel

Tanahmas Hotel...*the place where I stayed

Having these stuffs for refreshment...took it with Kuching's Manager

Another post that I need to post...This post will be the conclusion for my outstation trip...A few other activity that I did before leaving Sarawak's Land...Ermm...nothing much to say...These pictures enough already to explain what I've been through....hahahaa...By the way...WELCOME BACK TO KK...wakakakakaka...wish to myself....hahaha...who cares... :P
Sibu's port

Pasar Besar Sibu..

Ehem...ehem...night activity okey...wakakka

This is my room...quite nice right..

A view from my room

resting area near the KFC...*Yang pondok konkrit tu...

This is the symbol of Sibu's Town

Arghhhh...felt so tired during my outstation to Sarawak...Well, what to do...job is still a job right...My tiring days expanded to Sibu's also...edeiiii...matilah kalo terus begini...This morning the weather here was not so good..It was raining heavily lah orang bilang.....I took my breakfast at the hotel's cafe..I got 2 coupons means breakfast for 2 pax....edeiiii...Teda sepa sa mau jemput...biarlah itu coupon kan..wakakakaka....Finished my breakfast at about 10.00am..After that rushed to go to the parking area to find if there any taxi available...Actually I'm rushing bai tu cos the manager waited for almost more than one hour already....So lucky cos I managed to get a taxi..It cost me only about RM7 to go to the place that I should go...Our new distribution office somewhere in Sibu town....When I arrived there at the new office, I saw the progress still running..and it almost 70% completed...I think that if like this, I cannot do my job lorr....apa bulih buat...I espected that place completed already..but due to some problems from our Purchasing Department, the office progress went very slow....In that office, I just figured out how long should I provide those internet cables...After that I asked the manager that I will make the connection cables in my room at the hotel...He just agreed...*yalah panas tu di dalam opis....walaupun hujan di luar tapi alasu tomod hilo id suang bah.....ngeh ngeh ngeh....ermm...bah, review all those pictures...I took them here in Sibu....
KFC at Kuching International Airport..

Dinner Plate + Ice Lemon Tea

Ms. Hii who is so helpful during my outstation to Kuching Branch

Ms. Lee also a very kind person and very informative...huhuh

Mr. Lawrence who help me to provide things that I need

Okies...let's start the, I'm at Kuching International Airport..blogging from KFC while posting in my blog...Same meal as before...KFC is my choice...*apa bulih buat...nda tau kadai mana yang buli dan mana yang tidak bah...khakahka....paham2 lah bah kio....After spent my days which are almost 5 days here in Kuching, I gained lots of information..Thank you so much to my colleague cos brought me to those places...I'm glad my least, I don't need to stay in the hotel room and watching Astro...wakakak....For the past few days, I felt so tired...I did lots of things...But, whenever I refer to my task that given to me...It was totally out of the aligment...wakakakaka...bah oklah...nanti sa sambung

Went to The Spring Mall to meet with my elder brother and have dinner with him

This is my elder brother....wakakaka...sejak posting kerja..he lost 10kgs....jeles sa owhhh

Took photo with Kuching's Astana background

Yesterday I was there...(*bangunan yang besar tu....)...Now...di sebelah dia pula...khikhihkih

A view of Riverside Building

A view from Cat Museum..

No Comment....just suka2 ambil ini photo

So sad to tell that this place closed already...maybe they want to do some renovation..people said, we can see the kuching view very clearly when we go up there....*sigh~~~~~

Hello again...these pictures took on last week (Sunday) also....Sorry for the lateness to publish these photos...well, here we go...Quite interesting to get know all these places lucky cos my colleague brought me to all these places...I think, the pictures clarify everything right...But, the important thing that I need to say here is...I met with my elder brother (2nd)..since he posted here in Kuching, I don't have anymore "Gila2" punya kepala at my home...Met him and got different with his body size...He lost more than 10kgs...look slimmer now...kimbets....Jeles sa owh.....kimbets...wakakakaka...Lastly, I hope he will be ok in this place...hahahaha....He got posted and will NOT get any salary for 3 MONTHS.....hahaha...this is goverment bebeh....hahahah
This one..I don't know what they called it...teda pun kana latak signboard sana....

If I'm not mistaken..this is old Majistret...(*macam haunted laie nie ....)

People here not shy to dance along with the music (*Takut2 udah sa kana tarik bawa manari...hahah)

A free performance from Kuching's people

New DUN's (Dewan Undangan Negeri) building (*Still under construction k...)

Local Cruising Method...ahaksss

Welcome To The North Of Kuching

Miouuu..miouu...huhuhu...In front of Holiday Inn bai nie...

Saw this at "Saberkas" shopping complex..(*itu tampat duit dia bah kana rantai..maybe before this dia perna kana rompak kan..hehehe )

This one is just at the front of Holiday Inn..*sa ingat apa..tampat tunggu teksi plak...haha

A view from Sarawak Plaza..That tall building is Tun Jugah Shopping Complex

A punk shop..That is a demo...(*Masiam baju MCR kan....yang dorang nyanyi Black Parade tu...huhuhu)

Took my breakfast at the hotel before starting my "Jalan-jalan" on Sunday...

huhuhuh...well u ol's...It was Sunday yesterday and I went to few places...Snapping this and syok..wala weh...ahakss...Though I was so tired but for me, as long I can problem lah....Maybe can reduce some of my unwanted fat maahhh...hahahah....Seemed that was my problem till now...OKey, back to my Jalan2 activities...I started it form my hotel, took my breakfast at about 8.30 am...At about 9.00am, started to walk slowly to sight seeing la bah....It was hot and I don't wore any cap...*apa bulih buat...hahaha...Firstly I went to Sarawak Plaza again yesterday..Looking around to see or to buy some interesting stuffs....but, you know...that place is...*(&^%$#....Milimewa is better...hahaha...Then decided to walk along the Waterfront...There, I saw lots of different people..Some of them off course having dates, waling, loafing and etc...Owh ya...There was a place where I considered it as a shop where they sell some Sarawak's people handmade...Here you can buy bracelet, I mean a manik2 one punya bah...There I asked a little girl..For sure she is the daughter of that owner..I asked her.."Is this Original Pearl"...she replied...yes....Original PLASTIC Pearl....Then I smiled at her...then said..It's ok.....I went out at that shop...and can't tahan to laugh...hahahahaa...matilah kalo cam gini kan....oklah..seemed I need to few more things in this, will update more soon.....chiao luks......~~*peace*