SamuEL anD WoLLy WeDDinG Day

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Credits goes to

Sorry to the viewers for the lateness updates in my blog...*bukan apa...busy bah hehehe...Currently, I'm at Kuching, Sarwak now..Outstation for job purpose...Today will be back to KK...hehehe..*Nasib cuti sa menyambut Kaamatan Bulan Yang Mulia bagi kaum di Sabah wakakakaka...oklah..As we know, our Kaamatan event celebration will be on 30th and 31st of May every year..and for sure the selection for The Most Beautiful / Unduk Ngadau for this year is on rise...They are 36 beautiful contestants will compete for the title "Most Beautiful of 2008"...*Semua pun santik2 bah kan....You all can see and choose which is your fav contestant...So, for those outsiders do come and get involve to our "Koubasanan" event...The state Kaamatan celebration will be held at KDCA, Dongonggon, Penampang...

P/s :- I will be at KDCA on that day....sepa jumpa sa sono, jangan malu2 belanja beer ka, nasi ka...heheheh...kihoiiii aramaitieeee

Congratulations to Malvin Kalbin-Winner (Daerah Kecil Tongod), Siti Norzilah Majilin-1st Runner-up (Daerah Kecil Sook) and Ervinna Benjamin-2nd Runner-up (Tambunan)

Congrats again

Waiting for the announcement for 2nd runner-up and the winner
( dua orang dapan nie macam sia kanal sija nie jurugambar Gogds sama si Ony nie.....edeiiii...hahaha)

Nice lighting and that was how the stage looks like last nite...

Last nite I went to KDCA to watch the Final For Sugandoi (State Level)...Reached there a bit late due to some problem...Thanks to god cos, the competition just starting when I entered the KDCA hall...There were lots of crowds and I didn't expect that there will be too many people came to see this competition...huh...ermm..whatever...We need to pay RM3.00 for the entrance fee...hahaha..thanks to Gidong...cos balanja makan and for the ticket....Next time sa balanja ko muahahaha.....Ok...Based on the performances that nite, my instinct goes to Malvin Kalbin..A contestant came from Daerah Kecil Tongod, Telupid...Meet with him few days before in Penampang with a friend of mine, Usal John Gavis....He sang very good, powerful, good voice control and good stage performance...He deserved to win this competition....credits to him lah....wakakaka...Second Runner-up goes to Siti Norzilah from Daerah Kecil Sook...She also sang very well..with her own voice rendition...She deserved to be the 2nd Runner-up...The third place goes to Ervinna Benjamin A.K.A Leena...former KDM Idol Finale...Sang perfectly but I think less of "WoW"...huhuhu...Perfect but didn't see any special abilities in her voice....Oklah...need to continue my work..a bit busy now...~~Peace bebeh~~
*Gambar sekadar hiasan... :P

Ermm....Marriage? Ermm...not me lah...My eldest brother will have his wedding day on this coming November 2008...Good for him cos he is the eldest one and ready to have his own family...Now, my grandma from my dad's side got the opportunity to see one of our sibling's wedding event..Last time I didn't manage to be in the group when they were doing the discussion with the future bride's family...*paham-paham lah bah....bincang itu tarikh kahwin and "ongkos"nya hahaha...Sorry brother, I'm busy with my work and got urgent tasks to finish up...Well, after working hours, I talked to my dad how was the discussion..He said that the discussion was good...Not so many arguments since both of the family are really tolerance..*siok owh kan kalo gitu....So..the info for the coming wedding are as below :-

Bride & Bridegroom
Mary & Mohd Khairul Nizam Jeffrey A. Hairy Abdullah

29th Of November 2008

Kampung Lajung, Kudat

Last but not least, congratulation to my eldest brother...By the way..5 of us and now need to minus 1...hahaha...4 to go....*jeng...*jeng...*jeng....
Arghhhhhhhh...refer to my subject, i got headache...So stress..everytime I think of it, my head became dizzy..Can we considered it as "Migraine"...ermmm...till now I still don't know what is "Migraine" all about...Only I know when people say..."uhhh...I got migraine and they start to make unhappy face expressions....hahaha...Some people said that migraine always attack at the back of your neck or worst at your forehead....??? *wink*wink*wink.....Is it true...?? well...THEY said...not me hahahahaha...Lots of my pressure came from my job...*macamlah orang lain nda stress bah kan wakakaka....Believe it or not, I really2 stress worr at this time....too many plans the same time my job tasks overloads already...naahh...sepa tidak stress....

Last few days, Operation Dept's Manager and Sales and Training's Manager called me up...We did the multi-conference meeting via phone...From the meeting, they asked me to go down to Kuching to consult the progress of "Untangle Firewall Server"...**WTF....why like this...Kaamatan is near to the date bah.....I'll fly to Kuching on 26th Of May...means this coming Monday...Air tickets and Accomodation's Booking already settled...Aiyaaaa....if like this, I cannot reject their request....huh!!!!!..I give them 100000 reasons but the answer still the same...YOU MUST BE THERE..... :(.......I'm scared no Kaamatan Celebration for me this year...Maybe i'll celebrate it?...ya...maybe they want me to celebrate GAWAI...wakakkaka.....oklah....need to go....jam 5pm dah...mau pi main bola.....bikin panas jak kalo fikir2 ini masalah....
At last, my instinct became true...whoohooo...go David Cook...

David Cook in action

Two Davids-BesT battle ever

American Idol's previous winner instinct became true...Great...Awesome David Cook...Congratulation to congratulation also goes to David Archuleta...From Kelly Clarkson-Rubben Studdard-Fantasia Barrino-Carrie Underwood-Taylor Hicks-Jordin Sparks and now 2008 goes to DAVID COOK....huhuhu...David Cook, the scruffy bearded, raspy-voiced 25-year-old from Blue Springs, Missouri, was crowned the latest American Idol Wednesday, in a surprise result at the year-old, 7,000-seat Nokia Theatre in downtown Los Angeles...The result came as a surprise to many observers and onlookers after Idol judges Randy Jackson, Paula Abdul and Simon Cowell all but handed the title Tuesday to Cook's rival and finalist in the competition, 17-year-old David Archuleta...The fans who vote for Idol saw it differently however, and the vote tally swung in Cook's favour, possibly because of his maturity and old-soul rocker vibe. Some reviewers also suspected a backlash among voters against the judges' comments, which seemed to unfairly favour Archuleta...A record 97 million votes were cast overall, 23 million more than American Idol's previous high. In the end, Cook won by a relatively wide margin, 56% to 44%, or 12 million votes.
Battle of the Davids...

David Archuleta

David Cook

Yes...It will be the Final of American Idol tonight..The battle between two Davids...David Archuleta versus David Cook...It seems that this year David's name ruled this 7th Season of American Idol...These two contestants got their own style of singing and with different genre..Archuleta who is more on R&B and Melancholic voices and Cook who is more on Rock style of singing...It depends to the voter outside there to vote who will be the next American Idol..From my instinct, David Cook will win this competition...its only my instinct and it was really hard for me to follow this instinct since these two contestants are really superb...By the way, we'll see how it goes tonight...~~Peace~~
Okie...sliding window--->status-Done

Front view

My kitchen...still need to do some renovation

My new house...still in progress...

Hurmmm...*sigh...another goal that I still didn't finish yet....My new house suspended due to some, any how I need to makesure that the progress still going on eventhough the renovation a bit slow....Few things that I need to finish up are as below :-

-Wooden Border for ceiling-
-White Formica Plywood for kitchen's ceiling-
-ceiling for veranda-
-New Bedroom----->maybe will start on July...-

P/s----->I will try to finish it as soon as possible.....we'll see how's the progress then
Got 1...dun know what kind of fish is that...ehehe..

Fishing in action....


Anyone can tell me what fish is this?? *Bulih makan kah inda tu...bikin takut owh...

I'm very busy since few days ago...*sigh...well what to do..need to do all the given tasks and no complaining...yala...makan gaji punya orang..apa bulih buat...kihkhikhih..Because of the "busy"ness of my day..This morning I take a break and looked at my Backup HDD for any interesting stuffs....hahaha..*jgn pikir bukan2 kama....AWAS itu utak kuning tu...ahaksss...Well, during my journey to open my archives, I saw these few pictures...I really miss those moment...very memorable..It was fishing time...hahahaha...*walaupun banyak nyamuk..nga sorou poh ada juga dapat 1, 2 ekor bah tu malam...Bah, those who love to go for fishing, please lah bah invite me along...hehehe...~~PeaCe
While waiting for my meal...

Snapped this for fun ....heheh

Yeahh...arrived already..huhuhu..* Makannnnn lah apa lagiii

Snapped for fun again...kihkhihkih

Last Friday (16/05/2008), I went to KK City with my friends and some of my family members..Actually there was a Kaamatan Day organized by Dewan Bandaraya Kota Kinabalu (DBKK)...I reached there about 7.30pm and the Sugandoi Competition will be start on 8.15pm...So, me and my friend decided to have our dinner somewhere nearby...We spotted a very attractive nearby restaurant...hehehhe...very nice waiters and waitresses they have....Actually this restaurant located near the BBCafe (Sugarban)...Pictures above showed hows the environment inside the restaurant...Very nice rite...For the Kaamatan's photos, sorry cos I've deleted it from my camera...*Salah takan function bah...nah trus terpadam...kimbetsss...Well, only left some photos at the mentioned restaurant..*Nasib ada sikit2 lagi photo kan... :( ..For your information, the weather was not so good during the progress of the Kaamatan's Event...The wind blew strongly...Raining heavily and forced some of the people to get into their cars and some of them directly drove home....Me and the others ran like our battalion bombed by enemies...hahahah...By the way, we managed to watch the Sugandoi Competition...From my opinion, the performances from the contestants a bit disappointed....Some of them performed well and some of them are not...*Bikin naik turun my mood sija hahaha...Oklah, last but not least...the result for the Sugandoi Competition are as below :-

Winner - Mr. Leo
1st Runner-up - Mr. Kennedy Galban
2nd Runner-up - Ms Elsie

P/s --->Congrats to all of them...
Please look at the leaves....Only strong wind can do that

Please look at the advertisement banner also...

Netcomputer device..

Netcomputer device without USB port

Netcomputer device with USB port

Yesterday I went to KK city...Actually got task from my boss to visit a company at Wawasan Plaza...Huh...whatever kan...*itulah kerja makan gaji hahaahaha....Oklah..I reached there almost 5.00pm...That time the weather seemed not very good..The wind also too strong...ermm...maybe this is the "ekor-ekor" of Nargis that ruined Myanmar...--->a quote from my friend...hahahaha..whatever lah kawan...huhuhhuu...But, for sure the wind was too strong...even me and the other people there saw a MAS flight cannot landed because of that strong wind....*nasib teda apa2 berlaku kan..I just don't know how the passenger felt that time....*mau jatuh sudah kali jantung tu kan...wakakakakak....Oklah..back to my task..Actually my boss asked me to meet one IT company's manager...My boss told me to discuss about their promotion on "Netcomputer"..All I can say about "Netcomputer" is 1 desktop for 30 users......hahaha...any idea on who want to know about this ask me then...kihkhihkihkhih...oklah...I need to continue my work...see ya guys....
Score board....*..edeiiii uncle sa pi interpreme lagi sono...

So concentrate...hahaaha...*takkan serius whoohooo

*eh eh...excuse me....Linesman cannot see the lines bah....tepi sikit...wakakak

Some of the teams are watching the match...

Last Sunday, there was a soccer tournament held at my place...I heard this tournament is for Kaamatan...huhuhu...oklah, at least there's something happened during this Kaamatan's eve...hahaha....There were 6 teams on that day..all are using traditional music instrument's names...for examples, Tongunggak, Sompoton, Kulintangan and to name a few..well, this is good maahh least youngster nowadays know this kind of name...eventhough the sound a bit weird..*Something like ET sound or what so ever..wakakakakak...These pictures I took on that day..Yes, I did play but our team didn't manage to win the first place...hahahaha...*Please don't blame me kama......I know I didn't play that kind of sport for long time...hahahaah..By the way, It was a fun and enjoying day...I met few of my closed friends and ha hu ha for few things and make jokes to each other...~~~peace~~
The Winners on that day..Both of my cousins won the 1st and 2nd Runner up..
Credit goes to Benny Liew and

Congratulations to all of you...
Credit goes to Benny Liew and

Smile...Good Luck my cousin...

Sorry for the blurry picture...I forgot to set it to the normal setting...huh

These are my aunties....hehe...they also went that Kaamatan's Event to give support to my cousin

My little cousin..Mr Mel Zico Best Melvin Fong....* Kajen sa yang paling jajal di dunia....

Last Saturday, I went to Dewan Masyarakat Pekan Menggatal to have a look on Kaamatan's event...Not very crowd and thanks god for that..*nda payah sa susah2 mau masuk...khihkihkih...reached there, I saw my mum sitting with her friends...*geng2 karas dia lai tu mangkali....I talk to her what is my cousin's number for the Unduk Ngadau Competition that day...She replied that, If she's not mistaken, my cousin should be holding number 15 and Number 7.....ermmm...*sigh....Lambat lagi mau tunggu gia tu...well, it's ok lah..since both of them are my cousins...hehe....At the other side, I saw few of my relatives aunties...hehehe...*ramai lah bah sodara sa sini Menggatal kan wakakakak....Owh..ya..for your information, I don't know why people seemed didn't interested to come this kind of events...I remembered when I was young...The crowds really amazed...huh..but nowadays...the crowds decreased....aiyaaa...what happened actually???? *Wink*wink...oklah...I need to continue my work...been busy these past few days....

P/s :--->Both of my cousins won 1st and 2nd Runner-up...*bulih lah bai tu
Abis makan...lipat lah bah kan...wakakak

Indian Style...using metal cup

My plate A.K.A banana leaf..huahauauhau

Last few days..I got invitation from my cousins to join them eat "Kari Kepala Ikan" at Krishna Curry House...Well, my first impression for that place is"Just Okay"...Not high rated place to go for dinner actually...This curry house located near CKS at Penampang By Pass Highway road...Oklah..The "Kari Kepala Ikan" got 3 differents price...Small is about RM22.00, Medium is RM24.00 and the big one is RM28.00...*Satu kali dia hidang...macam satu lanjang sampai...wakakaka...bikin takajut bah...They got 3 shop lots...So, if you all want to try this place, you can choose whether want to enjoy your food in Air-conditioned room or in open-space area...up to you all lahh...kihkhihkih..About the food, ermmmm...just OKAY...and for sure "Teh Tarik" serve after you finish your food...oklah...need to go now...mau kemas documents and go back home.....*Mau main bola...huhuhuh
My cousin, Ms. Rounnah Beb Robert who won the Miss Gala Nite at Putera BallRoom recently

This is my cousin..Mr. Jay Jay...*sa panggil dia ostrich..sabab tinggi dia yang sangat kritikal..hahaha

My funny aunt...she is the one who working in Jabatan Penjara Kepayan

My aunt and my little niece..Nur Attira

This is my grandpa...estedy nah kau buss...hehehe

This is my beloved grandma...I love u "Mama Tua"...hehe

Took these pictures just now after playing football somewhere in my place...My mom called me and asked me to fetch her at her friend's house...It tooks about 7 minutes to reach there by car...On the way back home, I asked my mum whether she want to stop by at my grandma's house...Actually, their house is just is not far from my house and use the same road to get there...After we reached there..I saw few of my relatives were there also...huhuhu...great...One of my uncle just came back from Kluang, Johor...He just transferred back here in KK....But working in different field...Last time he was the Head of Admin in Jabatan Penjara Kepayan Sabah...Then he got transferred to Kluang Johor for better position....Again and again...he got transferred to KK again but incharging for parole Divisyen.....Another my aunt...also working at Jabatan Penjara Kepayan...she often come here to meet us but today, I don't know why she came there....*siok jugalah gelak2 ketawa...hahaha....abis ramaikan.....So, the rest you all can see it from those pictures above...