SamuEL anD WoLLy WeDDinG Day

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This was when I sang "Masih" by Flop Poppy

Eye contact with the audience

Photoshoot at the backstage

Reach to the hi-pitch...hahaha

Close your eyes when you want to feel the song...

Shinny is it?...hahaha

Full frame on stage

Me and my makeuper...hehehe Ms. Tompok

Yihaa...These pictures taken during the KE Next Top Entertainer (KENTE) heat 5....Started at about 8:30pm at Pusakag Cafe, Dongongon, Penampang Kota Kinabalu....Firstly, I want to say thank you to all my friends for the support and for coming too...Sorry cos I didn't manage to make it to the final...hehehe..Abviously, there were lots of good singers on that night...By the way, I had a very wonderfull experience..I met few new friends and that was good though...Lastly, I think this is not the last competition for me..I will join it again...and for sure..I will ahhahahaha...Owh ya, I would like to say congratulations to those who made to the final round...Just do your best and I will support all of you my friends...Again, may god bless all of us...~~PeaCe
It's me...ehehehe

A bit slim....kan!!! hehehe

Having rest....

Having rest after a long observation...*Panat bah berdiri hehehe

Close-up front line

Some of my colleagues was busy doing the registration

Our manager is looking at her text...

It was yesterday (Sunday), where I need to work the whole day at Tang Dynasty Hotel, Kota Kinabalu...It was our company function...My job was setting and arranging the slide presentation and also the devices...It sounds easy, but, trust me that it really frustrating and tiring...At the same time, I did the photographing also...So, no time to sit and resting..I need to stand stoodly all the time...Went here and there to take pictures/photos...Makesure the slides and the devices in ready mode and to name a few....huh!!!! It was really a tiring day...We started there at about 11:30am and finished at about 6:00pm...I reached home at about 7:30pm after had my dinner with my colleague..I took my bath and went to the bed and sleep smoothly hahahahaha...~~PeaCe...
The Ad...

Look at the CPU, very small right...hurmm *Sigh

The seats...

I took those pictures during my seminar at Le Meridean Hotel, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah..The seminar organized by Trend Micro Organization...huhuhu...Ermmmm, what can I say about this seminar...ermmm, It was kinda boring for me where the topics was not so interesting..well, since it was a free seminar for me, so, I think, mana2 jak lah hehehhee....Janji free hehehehee....Nothing much to say here...A bit busy these few days and for sure until next week....Aduiii...I really want to go some place for a vacation to release my tension...I'll plan something then...Wait and see...heheeh...~~PeaCe...
What a pose....hahahha..during the Ping Pong match...

Me and Stanley played for the double

Me and my colleague, Mr. Bvvry

Me, Bvvry and my ex-schoolmate, Mr. Steve

From left : Me, Jufina, Robert and Jimmy

These pictures took during our badminton and Ping Pong match session at Beverlly Hills, Phase 5, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah..All of them are my colleagues and some of them are really my closed friends....There are Jimmy, Bvvry, Stanley a.K.a Aten, Robert, Richard, Cladius, Peter, Lawrence, Jufina, Anthony, Kennedy and few others....So, to those who want to join us..please contact me or leave your comments here...We start at 7:30pm until 10:00pm....*Lama kan hahahha...~~PeaCe
My window damaged and the door handle also damaged

Closer look

The mechanic is repairing the window and the door handle..

It happened last few weeks when I parked my car at Inanam Town (The same raw with Sport TOTO 4D)...I left my car only for about 2-3 hours on that night..then when I came back to my car, I found my door window and door's handle broke already...I'm very frustrated...*Kimbetss punya pencuri .... Lucky that night, there was some weird feeling asking me to lock-up the gear...hahaha..*Rupa-rupanya kereta mau dicuri...hehehe...Now everything back to normal already after I sent my car to the workshop...*Damn you thieve/s...*Tinguk, keluar duit lagi sa mau pi repair itu jendela sama itu handle pintu...edeiii...dush dush dush..So, the conclusion and the morale value are, sometimes your instinct is true, don't forget to lock-up you stering or gear, and please park your car at a safe place....~~PeaCe

..Hi you all...Please enjoy this video...Haahaha...Very funny..I guarantee..*adakah, tu muka balik2 kana suut pun tia pandai elak...wekekekekee.....Know this video from my colleague...It's a Thailand boxing a.K.a Muay Thai...the conclusion from this video is "Size Doesn't Matter"...wekekekek...~~PeaCe

Just received my jacket yesterday...Huhuhu...I sent this blazer a.K.a jacket to the tailor to add some pieces of shinny cloth...I just want to make this blazer look simple and attractive...well, for the trouser/pants, still searching for a match one...If you ask me, Are you ready for the KENTE (KE Next Top Entertainer)? My answer will be "No Comment" hahahaha..So, for those who have any other suggestion, do not hesitate to contact or drop your comment here...hehehe...~~PeaCE...
Mr and Mrs Rhoman...

Look at West, why he looks so happy? hahahaha

Again, the group who really made the night so wonderful hahaha...*Paling bising hahaaha

Table 12 and table 16 hahahaha

Closest friends cheered up the night with "Jambalaya" song...

Look that cakes hahaha....So high worrr

The bride and groom

Snapped at Table 12....*Sa menyinggah sikijap bei tu

Congratulation to Mr and Mrs Rhoman for their wedding reception at Tang Dynasty Hotel on 15th of March 2009...It was a simple and memorable event for them...Again, I want to say thank you for the invitation...Closest friends really cheered up the place...hahahaaha...*Sepa tu arhh yang katawa kuat2, minta beer and Chivas balik2...hahahahaha...Sa tia tau tu....Eventhough the PA System a bit dissapointing, I kept my promised to sing two songs...miahahhaa...Sorry if got "Sumbang2x" ya...hahaha...Last but not least, may God bless both of you till the end..AMIN...~~PeaCe
My BMI is 34.5

My BMI Category is "Obesity"...(*Gumuknyaaa edeiiiiii)

I've found this online application yesterday....hahaha...Found it when I was arguing my friend regarding our Body Mass Index (BMI)..*Bah, masing2 menanya berapa BMI, tapi nda tau mengira BMI hahahaha...sot kan wekekekke...So, if you all want to know your BMI, please go to this URL (CLICK HERE) ...Inside the website, they also state the BMI Categories. There are Normal Weight, Overweight and Obesity....As for me, I'm at Obesity Category..hahahaha...*mataina hahahaha....Ok you all, below are some info about Body Mass Index (BMI) :-

The body mass index (BMI), or Quetelet index, is a statistical measurement which compares a person's weight and height. Though it does not actually measure the percentage of body fat, it is a useful tool to estimate a healthy body weight based on how tall a person is. Due to its ease of measurement and calculation, it is the most widely used diagnostic tool to identify weight problem within a population including: underweight, overweight and obesity. It was invented between 1830 and 1850 by the Belgian polymath Adolphe Quetelet during the course of developing "social physics".[1] Body mass index is defined as the individual's body weight divided by the square of his height. The formulas universally used in medicine produce a unit of measure of kg/m2. BMI can also be determined using a BMI chart, which displays BMI as a function of weight (horizontal axis) and height (vertical axis) using contour lines for different values of BMI or colors for different BMI categories.

SI units \mathrm{BMI} = \frac{\mathit{weight} \ \mathrm{(kg)}}{\mathit{height}^2 (\mathrm{m^2})}
UK/US units \mathrm{BMI} = \frac{\mathit{weight} \ \mathrm{(lb)}*703}{\mathit{height}^2 (\mathrm{in^2})}
\mathrm{BMI} = \frac{\mathit{weight} \ \mathrm{(lb)}*4.88}{\mathit{height}^2 (\mathrm{ft^2})}

Bobby says :- Ini BMI kan, penting tau nie...Sepa2 yang apply kerja di Sektor Kerajaan terutama di bahagian Imegresen, Pertahanan Awam, Polis dan yang berkaitan, derang mau tinguk ini BMI kamurang kama....walaupun lebih 0.01 pun derang nda terima tu hehehehe..


Hahahaha....I really love this one...Got this video from a friend of mine which taken during Tawau's Kaamatan 1995..Sorry for the low quality and without any sound in this video...But, hey, the video itself is so funny....This is what we called a very CONFIDENT type of person...hahaha...I think, IF the person (inside the video) saw this, I think she will laugh at it...hahahahaha....So, my advice for those who really likes Unduk Ngadau event, think TWICE if you want to do the same pattern and do enjoy this video...hahahaha....~~PeaCe...
Familiar with them????

The silver in colour are Rounnah Beb and Julylen

These are the contestants who made to the semi final...

Elimination result...

They're waiting for the result...

Rounnah Beb and the other 2nd four contestant...


Rounnah Beb in action....

Randy (*yang tulak Green Tea + Chivas...hahahahaha) and Me...(1st time met with him..a friend at facebook)

Those pictures took during the 1st heat of Miss Borneo 2009....The event took place at Edgar's Pub And Restaurant (the same row at PortView Restaurant, Kota Kinabalu)..I had the opportunity to watch this competition cos my cousins (Rounnah and Rebecca) are in the group of the contestants...Arrived there around 9:00pm...One thing I can say about Edgar's is the place is quite O.K...I love the band...Especially the girl who got the spiky hair with black shirt on that night....She sang very well and lively...At Edgar's also, I met with few "Facebookers"...hahaha...sorry cos didn't say hi to some of you...Owh, I met with Randy Rithcie too....*Hahahahahaha....a 1st time met buddy who dare to say that "I'm the only person Who dinch to go Djunction for clubbing..."~~~~lmao...hahahahah....Kimbetss ko bro....miahahahaha...Well, thats the story for 1st heat Miss Borneo 2009 part 1...will publish the part 2 soon...just be patient ya..~~PeaCe
See that uncle and aunty?? hehehe.....*Derang lai tu tukang masak hehehe

My dinner set....*Whoohooo

Along with Ice Lemon Tea...

Mushroom Sauce and Black Pepper Sauce...

This is the final result miahahahahahaha

Huuhuhhu....I had my dinner at JJ Restaurant last night...Located at Damai's area, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah..The food was so delicious...nyam nyam nyam...I took western cook style this time and it was Chicken Chop and Fish Fillet....As for the drink, I took Ice Lemon Tea...How's that hehehe....The price is only below RM20...Quite cheap right...??..So, to those who like western cook style, please try it at JJ Restaurant....~~PeaCe....