SamuEL anD WoLLy WeDDinG Day

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My beloved dad and mum

My "Jajal" nephew...

My cousin, Mr. Roger

My cousin and her husband, Mr. Jason and Mrs. Jojie

This is my family

My uncle, Mr. Joubit Yassin

My cousins, Mr. Charles Applunius Chin and Mr. Angku

My cousin and my beloved grandma, Mr. Joy Moiby and Mrs. Juniah Lagob

Other relative, Mr. Ibob

Cousins, Mr. Iki and Mr. Charles Applunius Chin

Hehehe...Cousins and my eldest sister
From left :- Jojie, Mimie and Ita

Bunches of friends
From left:-Bvvry, Poul, Stanley and Jimmy

Photos took on 27th Of June 2009..It was my youngest sister birthday party for her 18 years old of age..Here I would like to say thank you to all my friends who managed to attend this party..Among them are, Mahapson, Pirut, Hanif, Jimmy, Bvvry, Stanley, Poul, Dunstan, Sabinus, and many more (*You know who you are....kehkehkehekhe)...It was really happening on that time..Owh ya, thanks too to all my family members who also came on that day...Doesn't care whether you are from my dad's side or from my mom's side...I hope all of you who came on that day had a fun time with us...~~PeaCe
Photographers at the tower

I'm Malaysian and I love Malaysia

Mother and son...

Throwing the dumpling...

What a nice gears...



Waiting for the result to be announce..

Mahapson and Mell....hahaha

Back view

One of the "shooter" on that day

Pictures took during the Sabah Dragon Boat Race 2009 (Last day)...The event held at Tanjung Lipat, Likas...At first, Me and a friend of mine decided to meet other photographer from Kuala Lumpur but due to some unwanted problem, we missed to meet them...It's ok, we still got another time...hehehe...The weather was good and a bit hot...Duhh...luckily I used my Sun Block Lotion..At least I can protect my body/skin from getting burn...There, I met few more other photographers such as Freddie, Mell, Mesh, Jr, Mahapson, Gidong, and to name a few...Owhh ya..thanks to our friend, Olumis and Bosing for the food and official tag...*Siok kan kalo ada kawan2 gini..sinang jak progress ambil gambar...heheh..thanks again...Last but not least, I'm happy to be at the Dragon Boat Race..I've learned lots of things and saw few sophisticated gears (Cameras and lenses)...~~PeaCe

This song is really good..It's not a video song..I just like the song..The lyrics are so meaningful...I've search the info about this song and the singer also..I found few topics regarding this song..You all can read the information at this link.
Jimmy at the kitchen

Bvvry and Lincoln on the floor

Hahaha...nothing much I can say about these two photos above...huhuhu..They are Operation Departments's Staffs..Mr. Jimmy, Mr. Bvvry and Mr. Lincoln...I caught them sleeping when I went to store room this afternoon...hahaha..well..well..well...Don't worry my friends..I wont tell your boss...Don't be afraid...hahaha...*Peace....(*Tapi misti balanja lunch bisuk kama hahahaha).....If I'm their boss, surely they will "kena" punya...but, they're from another department, so, none of my business ...hahahaha..*biasalah bai assumed derang berehat after did the packing...hehehe...~~PeaCe
This is my I would like to wish Happy Father's Day in advance to my dad and to all Dad in the world...hahaha..This Father's day will be on 21st Of June 2009..Along with this post, I'm praying for my dad that he will always in good health..Here also, I would like to say that, I love and care for you dad..Muaah Muaah...~~PeaCe..

P/s:- Inda lupa pada mereka yang akan bergelar bapa inda lama lagi...sepa2 jak lah hehehe...
Esther Applunius Chin in action

Without editing..

Malvin Kalbin's Photo 1

Malvin Kalbin's Photo 2

Pictures above I took during the Kaamatan Sugandoi (Final) at KDCA Hall on last May 2009...Those pictures published with only watermark and without any adjustments...They are Esther Applunius Chin (OIAM) and Malvin Kalbin (Former Winner Sugandoi 2008)...Along with this post, here, I would like to say sorry cos a bit late to update my blog..For your information, I'm a bit busy these past few weeks..I will be more active once I complete all my matters first..Last but not least, thank you to all of you for still coming and supporting/reading my blog...I really appreaciate it..~~PeaCe
My Section at Likas Golf Driving Range..

The technic..

Looking forward for 250m hehe..I hope...

What a pose...hahaha

Placing the ball

We are discussing about the technics


Chit Chatting before starting the training

Pictures took on 6th Of June 2009 at Likas Golf Driving Range..My cousin called me early in the morning and asked me whether I want to join him for a training at Likas Golf Driving Range..I agreed and said I will be there in 40 minutes...There, I met another friend of us who also got training session on the same time..For your info, the fee wasn't that much..For day time, they will charge us Rm5 for 100 balls and for night time, they will charge us Rm10 for 100 balls...Quite cheap right..~~PeaCe..
One of the volunteer for our shoot..


Alvin a.K.a Defoo

Kuyung and Alvin

My cousin (Charles Applunius Chin a.K.a Usi), Atama and Adolf

Another volunteer

Helen Tan (My ex-schoolmate) and her friend....

Daling tompok...hehehe

Jackson Jibit ready to "shoot" ...kekekeke

Hello everyone...Photos above took during the Harvest Festival at KDCA, Donggongon, Penampang...It was on 31st Of May 2009...These are just some of the photos...It was a very good day on that time..Not very hot...I've met lots of my friends there...Some of them are bloggers, photographers and etc...I also have the opportunity to take some of the Unduk Ngadau Finalists photos..Only some..not all of them...hahaha...for the photographer, they know of them is due to limited space for the photographers....huh!!!!...sigh*.....The organizer need to work on this matter (Please improve)...Lastly, I would like to thank those who greeted me and say "hi" to me on that day...I know I didn't recognize some of you but that doesn't mean we can't be friend right?..ermmm..hehe..As for that, I wish a happy day and may god bless all of you...AMIN...~~PeaCe..