SamuEL anD WoLLy WeDDinG Day

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Photo 1 (Part 2)

Photo 2 (Part 2)

Photo 3 (Part 2)

Photo 4 (Part 2)

Photo 5 (Part 2)

Photo 6 (Part 2)

Photo 7 (Part 2)

As I promised before, I will upload another few more picture by using Canon DSLR...hehehe...correct me if I'm wrong regarding this photography world...I'm still new bah...hahaha....So, above are some of the pictures taken on the same day...Enjoy it...actually I'm lack of experience into this modeling world...But, I think it was ok ok lah...kan kan kan...hehhe
Bobby and Fredo

Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 3

Photo 4

Photo 5

Photo 6

Last Sunday..errr...I mean yesterday..hahaha..a photoshoot between me, Fredo, Arteo and Gidong was held at Tanjung Aru 2 and Taman Rekreasi Bukit Padang..Due to some reasons, this photoshoot considered as a demo or a testing photoshoot where we will define which angle and pictures we need to decide to apply for next session...Other pictures will be upload in my next post...

*Special thanks to Mr. Arteo, Mr. Fredo, Mr. Gidong for involving in this photoshoot sessions..
Stacy sang "Rela"

She was the "Bomb" at that night...Sang a song called "Rela"...Go Stacy...make your people proud...

He was so good that night..great voice of type...I like his genre...Hope can see him perform another good performance next week..

Sang a rock style song..Really good voice controlling..I like it also...

Pronounciation problem...I don't know where she learn how to pronoun those words..I mean the "Umbrella" song....So sad..

I like his tone of voice...keep it up friend...You need to work more...

AN average performance..

She sang "Cintaku Seratus Percent" origanally sang by Mas Idayu. At first, she sang a bit pitchy and the rest of it was just okey..

An improvement in Vocal and Voice controlling showed. He did a good job..

Saida seemed not very comfortable at that night..I also blurred and asking myself....Overall, She showed an improvement....Saida, please get out from you comfort zone....

For this person, all I can say over here is just "That was sooo unprofessional performance.."....too pitchy and tempo ran everywhere...

Mama Rina showed her best on that night but I still not satisfy..I think something is missing..something not completely showed.

I cannot consider this is his performance...Supposed not a live performance...sorry Aliff

Well, she's out already...too pitchy...*sumbang sana sini.....
So sorry everyone for not updating my blog as early as before...busy bah...With my health condition which I can say not in a good condition, I also surrounded by my "Workaholic" environment..Now, I'm too stressed..I have few projects that still pending and not finished yet..I don't know to whom should I blame..My boss maybe or other stressed...Our Performance Evaluation will be held next week as my turn will be interview by our Director's PA...*mati lai nie...harap2 boleh lepas...dapat juga naik gaji and pangkat....need to pray to god lah...So, now..I just do the best for me....Still seeking previous emails where I considered it as my black and white proof..On the other hand, I also stressed up when another department give me another big project..A new office is in progress somewhere in Sibu..So, I was choosed by the management to look after the progress and make a report for it..Actually they need me to survey about the IT related devices and hardwares only for that new office..but since I will be conducting the same they gave me this and that...aduiii...paning ehhhh..well..anyhow, anyway..semualah...I will be busy for few more weeks....*sob..sob**sob...**

*HEADLINES ON 28/03/2008

100 made homeless in fire

Kota Kinabalu: An estimated 100 people were left homeless after fire razed nine houses to the ground in Kampung Nounlod in Inanam Laut near here Wednesday.

Four fire engines with some 30 personnel from Sembulan, Penampang and Lintas fire stations rushed to the scene on being alerted at about 6.28pm.

Swift action to control the raging blaze by the firemen managed to avert bigger damage due to the closely-knit houses in the village.

It was believed that the fire started at the house of Rabianah Mogitum, 35 who was staying there with her husband and their six children.

Both Rabianah and her husband were not at home at the time of the incident but they were told that the fire started from the upper floor of the house.

All the victims said they did not manage to save their personal belongings and important documents as the fire engulfed the houses quickly.

One of the victims, Norsi Santarik, 26 said she was staying in the house together with her nine siblings and parents but they could only retrieve some of their belongings in time.

Her father, Santarik, 48 who is working as a sweeper at City Hall said most of the items such as electrical appliances were only recently purchased via instalments that went up in smoke.

Another victim, Rozie Jamaluddin, 16 panicked instead of saving the real copy of her personal documents she took the photocopied ones.

Inanam Assemblyman, Johnny Goh who was at the scene assured that emergency assistance would be given to the victims.

Some of the kampung folk claimed that the fire was sparked by lightning but the Fire and Rescue Department are still investigating the cause and cost of the fire.

*My comments : sad to hear things like this....apa bulih buat...nasi sudah jadi bubur...we just pray for them lah

Man hurt after falling from KK Plaza

Kota Kinabalu: A man in his 20s was seriously injured after falling from the second floor of KK Plaza here Wednesday night.

According to a security guard at the shopping mall, the victim was earlier seen entering a video games arcade together with another two guys at about 8pm.

Based on their behaviour, they were believed to be intoxicated.

Witnesses claimed that about one hour later two of the men suddenly climbed the railings and ran on the roof of the second floor.

On realising his companions had left, the victim identified as Jackson Ismail tried to chase them but he fell to the ground when the roof gave way.

The victim was taken to the hospital by paramedics.

*My Comments : This is a silly and dumb atittude...kalo mabuk baliklah...jangan mau lari sana sini....apalah...

Ghapur has quit post?

Kota Kinabalu: Speculation is rife that Federal Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, Datuk Seri Abdul Ghapur Salleh, has resigned from the post.

Daily Express received numerous calls from members of the public to verify talk to this effect.

When contacted, aides confirmed but insisted that Ghapur should be the right person to ask.

However, Ghapur who is Kalabakan MP, could not be reached for comments. His wife Datin Seri Norsuadah Hj Basah, when contacted in Kuala Lumpur, said: "I don't know".

Then, after a pause, she inquired as to who the source of the information was.

*My Comments : No comment for this article..There must be something right..If not, why he quited from that post...huhuhuhu..tia tau tia tau

Me and our temporarily PIC, Ms. Azinie....

Me and our Sales & Training Section Manager, Mr. Ashish...

Last Sunday on 23rd Of March 2008, it was a busy day for me as our company meeting held that time at Berjaya Palace Hotel, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah...Started at 7.30pm but we need to be there at about 5.30pm to make sure everything is ok...That time, I only supervised for LCD Projector and to make sure that I fetch our CEO, Dato' Lim to reach the meeting hall and going back to his hotel at Le Meridean Hotel...I've been for this task for few times already..huhuhuh...The crowds that time really made our meeting successful ....At the same time there were a farewell party for Army Management team at the second conference room..So, just imagine how crowded the lift waiting area that nite....ermm...oklah..this is a simple post from me...Mau makan lu.......nyammmnyammnyammm
Firstly, I pointed my cursor to the address bar at my Mozilla Firefox and typed I got the main page as shown above...

I choosed the date and the destination...This is because my schedule had been confirmed by the Top Management..So, I need to book it now..

After I click "NEXT", this is what I saw...(**kimbetss...SOLD OUT.....arghhhhhhhhhhhhh..tension butul.....ini semua pasal HR nie...lambat macam siput...terpaksa lah sia naik BUS BERHENTI-HENTI..edeiiiii)...I've been through this moment...So, I pretend to be cool jak lah in front of my other colleagues...(* dalam hati sia...hanya tuhan saja yang tau bah....ahaksss....)..It was so hard to use bus go to Mukah from Kuching..It tooks about 3 me GOD....


Ika : Malu Tapi Mahu - Dina Malaysian Idol
Lufya : Cintaku 100% - Mas Idayu
Nadia : Umbrella - Rihanna
Rina : Ku Seru - Misha Omar
Saida : Doktor Cinta - Dewi Dewi
Stacy : Rela - Tila

Alif : Angan Dan Sedar - Mawi
Faisal : Ranggi Metropolis - Awie
Naim : Aspalela - Saiful Apek
Nubhan : Tak Bisa Memilihmu - Sixth Sense
Riz : Separuh Masa - DeLima
Stanly : Sudah Tu Sudah - Imran Ajmain
Toi : Sang Pencinta - M.Nasir

SO THERE YOU ARE...HUHUUHu...SONGS GIVEN TO THE STUDENT ALREADY CONFIRMED..(*sia harap teda lagi yang minta puji mo minta tukar...sia lasing kapala sepa yang mau tukar2....)..these songs choosed by their teachers and I'm sure that the songs that given are very suit to the students...I just can't wait to see the concert..Especially Stacy and Nadia...Hurmm...Stanly jugalah...hahahahah...So, we just wait for the time to reach....Adios...
My Reviews For AF6 1st Concert


STACY-->good, she performed just what I espected..thanks god Stacy...go go go
STANLY-->just ok, I feel some weirdness in his voice...huhuh...unique maybe
NADIA-->okey, Got voice but still no Ummphhh


Saida -->Pitchy, I can hear and feel that she was nervous at that night
Riz --> Out of tune, jangan rupa mirip anuar, trus mau ikut cara nyanyian anuar zain juga...jgn gitu....
Faisal -->So Pathetic
Naim -->So Pathetic

Rina -->So Pathetic, ermm...sia 50-50 ba dia nie...macam bulih tidak ja
Alif -->So Pathetic, versi paling buruk pernah sia dangar
Toi -->So Pathetic
Nubhan -->So Pathetic
Ika -->So Pathetic
Lufya -->So Pathetic
Yana -->So Pathetic



1. Stanly - 12%
2. Stacy - 12%
3. Nadia - 10%
4. Saida - 9%
5. Riz - 8%
6. Faisal - 7%
7. Naim - 7%
8. Rina - 7%
9. Alif - 6%
10. Toi - 6%
11. Nubhan - 6%
12. Ika - 4%----->Ada juga yang undi kasian kai nie....huh
13. Lufya - 3%
14. Yana - 3%

Well, this are my reviews for all AF6 students this year...I admit that the 1st concert was so boring, not interesting and dull...No energetic performance which I waited from the beginning...Maybe, the students need time but what to do, I still need to review it and post it in my blog..So, IF...I say IF these students read my blog, don't blame me for this cos' this was based from what YOU performed that night...

*Thumbs up for AC Mizal for a good mc....hahahahah..I laughed so damn "teruk" hahahahah
Stacy - No One -(Alicia Keys)
Faisal - Satu Kiblat Yang Sama (Rabbani)
Toi - Pagi Yang Gelap (Hujan)
Riz - Ketulusan Hati (Anuar Zain)
Stanly - You Raise Me Up (Josh Groban)
Naim - Memburu Rindu (Hattan)
Alif - Sayang Sayang (Aliff Aziz)
Nubhan - Ruang Rindu (Letto)
Saida - Terlalu Cinta (Rossa)
Nadia - Rindu (Hetty Koes Endang)
Lutfya - Engkar (Bunga)
Ika - Umbrella (Rihanna) / Changed to Kesetiaan (Siti Sarah)
Yana - Diriku Tapak Sulaiman (Elyana)
Rina - Simply The Best (Tina Turner)

Ok you all, tonight we'll see who will deserve to be in this competition...Tonight will be the prelude concert for those 14 contestants...I cannot judge them or give any comment/s yet cos' everything will be base on tonight's performance..But my instinct will go to our SABAHAN, Stacy with her own song choice, NO ONE origanally sang by Alicia Keys.....
Miss Rounnah (***Masuk juga kazen sia...hahaha..congrats ya beb..chaoyo..chaoyoo)--->please refer to my previous post

Georgina Harris (***For you Gina, congrats also...melumpat2 lah si Ferr tu kalo dia tau ko masuk final...hahaha)

Former Unduk ngadau 2006 Queen Miss Devenna Jaacob (Jaikob)

Miss Kimberly

Miss Lynna Chua

Miss Queeny liew

Annie Lee

Miss Madelyn

Miss Albsah

Miss Emily

Miss Sabah World 2008 selection was held today where a total of 15 contestant were selected to compete for the Miss Sabah World 2008. I have all 15 contestants photos however i do not have their name with me. So i will only post their Photos here and perhaps my lovely visitor can help me to identify them one by one by leaving comment on this post okey?.--by Mr Benny Liew

**Credit goes to


Ayu's video during the OIAM finale..Congrats to Ayu...**Siou lambat post bah...osibuk yoku tiii....Even ada terkucil at some parts, I consider her performance still the best....
Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 3

Photo 4

Photo 5

Model : Mr. Bobby
Photographer : Mr. Arteo
Date Of Photo Session : 16th Of March 2008
Location : Lok Kawi Area, Putatan, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
Free personality analysis from
Generated on Sun Mar 16 20:22:45 2008.

Your Existing Situation

Trying to improve his position and prestige. Dissatisfied with his existing circumstances and considers some improvement essential to his self-esteem.

Your Stress Sources

Is responsive to outside stimuli and wants to experience everything intensely, but is finding the existing situation extremely frustrating. Needs sympathetic understanding and a sense of security. Distressed by his apparently powerlessness to achieve his goals.

Your Restrained Characteristics

Circumstances are such that he feels forced to compromise for the time being if he is to avoid being cut off from affection or from full participation.

Willing to become emotionally involved and able to achieve satisfaction through sexual activity, but tries to avoid conflict.

Conditions are such that he will not let himself become intimately involved without making mental reservations.

Your Desired Objective

Desires a tranquil, peaceful state of harmony offering quiet contentment and a sense of

Your Actual Problem

Depleted vitality has created an intolerance for any further stimulation, or demands on his
resources. A feeling of powerlessness subjects him to agitation and acute distress. Tries to
escape from this by relinquishing the struggle, and by finding peaceful and restful conditions
in which to recuperate in an atmosphere of affection and security.

Your Actual Problem #2

Needs to protect himself against his tendency to be too trusting, as he finds it is liable to be
misunderstood or exploited by others. Is therefore seeking a relationship providing peaceful and understanding intimacy, and in which each knows exactly where the other stands.

* Macam ngam2 jugalah description dia...hurmm I can say about 70% berkaitan...wakakakaak
Owhh..I hate pimples... :(

Smile always make me happy

huhuhuh...hallo there...

I like this pic...hahahah

"Gaya, Mutu, Keunggulan"....wakakaka

Happy Children...muhahaha

What happen to my face expression ????

I got a call from my friend, Mr. Arteo...He called me to invite me for a lunch..hahahaha...*ok sija sia bilang....At first, we decided to take our lunch at Wisma Merdeka cos' Arteo need to take his new glasses somewhere around there..erm...I told him that normally there will be jam over there, so I asked him to choose another place..He reply me that he don't know any other place, so, I suggest him to eat "Ngau Chap Menggatal" at Menggatal town..I also suggest him that also invite Mr. Gidong cos' Gidong also near that area...He agreed. At about 12.30pm, Mr. Arteo fetched me at my office and drove to Sepanggar to fetch Gidong. After that we went to the mentioned place to eat that Ngau Chap..Took around half an hour to finish our lunch...After lunch time, we decided to take few portrait photos at the back of that Ngauchap's shop and we also decided to do a photo shooting at Karambunai Golf Resort..hahaha...You all can see some of the pictures above.
David Hernandez — “I Saw Her Standing There”
For me, David over do it his performance last nite. I also didn't like it very much..sorry David---->you deserved to be kick out..

Gay-stripper David Hernandez performed in the top 12 on American Idol last night, giving one hell of a cheesy performance. Last week Hernandez was “outed” as a gay-stripper and this week posted the above picture of a scantily clad Hernandez.

Prior to his performance his introduction casually mentioned nothing of his stripping past. Hernandez lied to us telling us he goes to school and then used to go to work (before he was fired, what was this years ago?) at a pizza bistro. That must be Arizonian for stripper.

At the end of his performance Ryan Semencrest said to Hernandez:

“You’ve had a stressful week over the last week or so.”

Most likely referring to the scandal regarding him that have been plastered all over the internet.